
prɪˈtens амер.;
= pretence ;
сущ. притворство, обман - * of repentance видимость раскаяния - under /on/ false *s обманным путем - his illness was all (a) * его болезнь была лишь притворством - he made a * of reading the newspaper он притворился, что читает газету - she makes a * of being interested in art она делает вид, что интересуется искусством отговорка, предлог - to complain on the smallest * жаловаться по малейшему поводу - under the * of helping под видом помощи - under the * of being tired под предлогом усталости - that's only a * это только предлог /отговорка/ - he is always making *s он всегда находит оправдание /отговорки/ претензия - * to being infallible претензия на непогрешимость - he makes no * to profound knowlege он и не претендует на глубокие знания претенциозность pretense амер. = pretence

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pretense" в других словарях:

  • Pretense — Pre*tense , Pretence Pre*tence, n. [LL. praetensus, for L. praetentus, p. p. of praetendere. See {Pretend}, and cf. {Tension}.] 1. The act of laying claim; the claim laid; assumption; pretension. Spenser. [1913 Webster] Primogeniture can not have …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pretense — 1 pretension, Claim, title Analogous words: plea, pretext, excuse, *apology, apologia: *right, birthright, privilege 2 Pretense, pretension, make believe are comparable though seldom interchangeable when they involve the idea of offering… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • pretense — I (ostentation) noun affectation, affectedness, airs, artificiality, blatancy, bravado, demonstration, display, empty show, false appearance, false show, fanfaronade, flagrancy, flashiness, flourish, fuss, garishness, gaudiness, glare, glitter,… …   Law dictionary

  • Pretense — Pretense, or pretence, may refer to:* Deception * Camouflage * Pretexting or pretext * False pretenses, in criminal law * Pretense (Stargate SG 1) , an episode of the television series Stargate SG 1 …   Wikipedia

  • pretense — (n.) early 15c., the putting forth of a claim, from M.Fr. pretensse, from fem. of L.L. praetensus, from L. praetensus, pp. of praetendere (see PRETEND (Cf. pretend)). Meaning false or hypocritical profession is from 1540s …   Etymology dictionary

  • pretense — [n] falsehood, affected show; cover act, acting, affectation, appearance, artifice, charade, claim, cloak, deceit, deception, display, dissimulation, double dealing*, dumb act*, evasion, excuse, fabrication, facade, fakery, faking, falsification …   New thesaurus

  • pretense — [prē tens′, pritens′; prē′tens΄] n. [ME < Anglo Fr pretensse < ML * pretensa < praetensus, alleged < pp. of L praetendere: see PRETEND] 1. a claim, esp. an unsupported one, as to some distinction or accomplishment; pretension 2. a… …   English World dictionary

  • pretense — n. simulation false show 1) to make a pretense (he made no pretense of being objective) 2) to see through smb. s pretense 3) under a pretense (under the pretense of patriotism; under false pretenses) 4) without pretense (a person without… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • pretense — pre|tense [ pri,tens, prı tens ] noun count or uncount a way of behaving that does not honestly express your real feelings, thoughts, or intentions: She said she was really pleased to see us, but I could tell it was just a pretense. pretense of:… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • pretense — pretenseful, adj. pretenseless, adj. /pri tens , pree tens/, n. 1. pretending or feigning; make believe: My sleepiness was all pretense. 2. a false show of something: a pretense of friendship. 3. a piece of make believe. 4. the act of pretending… …   Universalium

  • pretense — pre•tense [[t]prɪˈtɛns, ˈpri tɛns[/t]] n. 1) a false show of something; semblance: a pretense of friendship[/ex] 2) a pretending or feigning; make believe: My sleepiness was all pretense[/ex] 3) the act of pretending or alleging falsely 4) an… …   From formal English to slang

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