Смотреть что такое "presumptions" в других словарях:
presumptions — pre·sump·tion || prɪ zÊŒmpʃn n. assumption, supposition, surmise; boldness, arrogance … English contemporary dictionary
conflicting presumptions — Presumptions arising from the same facts which are so opposed in the fact presumed that one of them must give way, to the other and stronger of the two, for example, the presumption of identity of person from identity of name gives way to the… … Ballentine's law dictionary
artificial presumptions — Also called legal presumptions; those which derive their force and effect from the law, rather than their natural tendency to produce belief. See presumption … Black's law dictionary
artificial presumptions — Also called legal presumptions; those which derive their force and effect from the law, rather than their natural tendency to produce belief. See presumption … Black's law dictionary
Praesumptiones sunt conjecturae ex signo verisimili ad probandum assumptae — Presumptions are conjectures from probable indication which are assumed for purposes of proof … Ballentine's law dictionary
EVIDENCE — Non Evidentiary Proceedings in Biblical Law The revelation of divine law is found not only in legislation but also in adjudication in particular cases (cf. Lev. 24:12–13; Num. 15:32–34; 27:1–8; Deut. 1:17), whether through Moses or judges or… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
presumption — An inference in favor of a particular fact. A presumption is a rule of law, statutory or judicial, by which finding of a basic fact gives rise to existence of presumed fact, until presumption is rebutted. Van Wart v. Cook, Okl.App., 557 P.2d 1161 … Black's law dictionary
Proof — • The establishment of a disputed or controverted matter by lawful means or arguments. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Proof Proof … Catholic encyclopedia
Shev Shema'tata — (שב שמעתתא), sometimes pronounced Shev Shmaytsa, is a work on Talmudic logic and methodology by R. Aryeh Leib HaCohen Heller. The name of the book is Aramaic, and means seven passages [ The term first appears in Tractate Chullin 42b] . It… … Wikipedia
presumption — pre·sump·tion /pri zəmp shən/ n: an inference as to the existence of a fact not certainly known that the law requires to be drawn from the known or proven existence of some other fact conclusive presumption: a presumption that the law does not… … Law dictionary
MAMZER — (Heb. מַמְזֵר), usually translated as bastard. Definition If she cannot contract a legally valid marriage to this man, but can contract a legally valid marriage to others, her offspring (from the former) is a mamzer. Such is the case when a man… … Encyclopedia of Judaism