pressurized module

pressurized module
герметизированный отсек;
жилой [обитаемый] отсек

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pressurized module" в других словарях:

  • Module Destiny — Module ISS Laboratoire Destiny Le module laboratoire Destiny en cours d installation …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Module ISS Laboratoire Destiny — Le module laboratoire Destiny en cours d installation …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pressurized Mating Adapter — The International Space Station (ISS) uses three Pressurized Mating Adapters (PMAs) to interconnect spacecraft and modules with different docking mechanisms. The first two PMAs were launched with the Unity module aboard STS 88. The third was… …   Wikipedia

  • Module d'accouplement pressurisé — Le PMA 3 arrive dans les locaux de la NASA Le module d accouplement pressurisé (en anglais Pressurized Mating Adapter ou PMA) est un élément de la station spatiale internationale qui permet la jonction de modules de la station et de vaisseaux… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pressurized Mating Adapter — PMA 2 wird im Kennedy Space Center mit dem Unity Modul (links) verbunden. Pressurized Mating Adapter (PMA) bezeichnet eine Reihe von drei Kopplungsadaptern der Internationalen Raumstation (ISS), die zum Andocken von Zubringerfahrzeugen und als… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Japanese Experiment Module — The Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) (Japanese: Kibō きぼう, Hope) is a Japanese science module for the International Space Station (ISS) developed by JAXA. Once complete, it will be the largest single ISS module. The first two pieces of the module… …   Wikipedia

  • Japanese Experiment Module — Kibō Konfiguration Navigation Internationale Raumstation Liste der ISS Module …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Harmony (ISS module) — Node 2 shown connected to Columbus, JEM, PMA 2 and Discovery. The nadir and zenith locations are open. Harmony, also known as Node 2, is the utility hub of the International Space Station. The hub contains four racks that provide electrical power …   Wikipedia

  • Columbus (ISS module) — The Columbus Module on the International Space Station …   Wikipedia

  • Nodal Module — The Nodal Module (NM) is a pressurized module of the Russian Segment (RS or ROS) of the International Space Station (ISS) and will be used in the OPSEK space station. NM is being developed by RSC Energia in order to support the docking to ISS RS… …   Wikipedia

  • Node Module — redirects here. For other uses, see Node Module (disambiguation). The Node Module (NM) is a pressurized module of the Russian Segment (RS or ROS) of the International Space Station (ISS) and will be used in the OPSEK space station. NM is being… …   Wikipedia

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