- pressure test
- испытание под давлением, опрессовка (техническое) испытание под давлением (электротехника) испытание под повышенным напряжением
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
pressure-test — … Useful english dictionary
Cold-pressure-Test — [ko̱uld prạ̈scher...; engl. cold = Kälte u. engl. pressure = Druck]: Kälte Druck Test, Test zur Diagnose von Bluthochdruckkrankheiten wie z. B. Erkrankungen des Nebennierenmarks. (Beim Eintauchen eines Armes in Eiswasser steigt der Blutdruck an,… … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
water-pressure test — hidraulinis bandymas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. hydraulic test; water pressure test; water pressure trial vok. Wasserdruckprüfung, f; Wasserdruckversuch, m; Wasserversuch, m rus. гидравлическое испытание, n pranc. essai… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Eye pressure test — A standard eye test that determines the fluid pressure inside the eye. The test is called tonometry. Increased pressure within the eye is a possible sign of glaucoma, a common and potentially very serious eye problem if it is not detected and… … Medical dictionary
Cold-Pressure-Test — Cold Pres|sure Test [... prɛʃə...] der; [e]s, Plur. s, auch e <zu engl. cold »Kälte« u. pressure »Druck«> Kälte Druck Test; Test zur Diagnose von Bluthochdruckkrankheiten (Med.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
maximum inspiratory pressure test — MIP test. A test that measures the strength of the muscles used in breathing. A person inhales and exhales through a device called a manometer, and the pressures are recorded by a computer. Also called MIP test … English dictionary of cancer terms
Test for Echo — est le seizième album studio du groupe de rock canadien Rush. Liste des titres Test for Echo 5:55 Driven 4:27 Half The World 3:42 The Color Of Right 4:48 Time and Motion 5:01 Totem 4:58 Dog Years 4:55 Virtuality 5:43 Resist 4:23 Limbo 5:29 Carve… … Wikipédia en Français
Test anxiety — is a psychological condition in which a person experiences distress before, during, or after an exam or other assessment to such an extent that this anxiety causes poor performance or interferes with normal learning.ymptoms*Physical headaches,… … Wikipedia
Test Engineering — (TE) is generally defined as the application of one or more engineering branches (such as Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Genetic Engineering, etc.) and/or the application of one or more pure scientific disciplines (such as… … Wikipedia
test*/*/*/ — [test] noun [C] I 1) a set of written or spoken questions that is used for finding out how much someone knows about a subject Did you get a good mark in your physics test?[/ex] You re going to have to take the test again.[/ex] I passed my English … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Pressure Cooker (game show) — Pressure Cooker was a game show about cooking hosted by Chris Durham. It aired on the Food Network in 1998.The Main GameRound 1 (Meal Ticket)In round one, three contestants face a game board called the Meal Mixer . The Meal Mixer always contains… … Wikipedia