- preservation by irradiation
- консервирование облучением
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
irradiation — 1. The subjective enlargement of a bright object seen against a dark background. 2. Exposure to the action of electromagnetic radiation ( e.g., heat, light, x rays). 3. The spreading of nervous impulses from one … Medical dictionary
irradiation — n. 1) exposure of the body s tissues to ionizing radiation (see ionization). The source may be background radiation, diagnostic X rays, radiotherapy, or nuclear accidents. 2) exposure of a substance or object to ionizing radiation. Irradiation of … The new mediacal dictionary
Food preservation — Canadian World War I poster encouraging people to preserve food for the winter … Wikipedia
Food irradiation — The Radura logo, used to show a food has been treated with ionizing radiation. Food irradiation is the process of exposing food to ionizing radiation[1] to destroy microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, or ins … Wikipedia
food preservation — Any method by which food is protected against spoilage by oxidation, bacteria, molds, and microorganisms. Traditional methods include dehydration, smoking, salting, controlled fermentation (including pickling), and candying; certain spices have… … Universalium
Curing (food preservation) — Sea salt being added to raw ham to make Prosciutto … Wikipedia
x-ray — /eks ray /, n. Also, x ray, X ray. 1. Physics. a. Often, x rays. a form of electromagnetic radiation, similar to light but of shorter wavelength and capable of penetrating solids and of ionizing gases. b. such radiation having wavelengths in the… … Universalium
Agriculture and Food Supplies — ▪ 2007 Introduction Bird flu reached Europe and Africa, and concerns over BSE continued to disrupt trade in beef. An international vault for seeds was under construction on an Arctic island. Stocks of important food fish species were reported… … Universalium
Lebensmittel-Bestrahlung — Das internationale „Radura symbol“ deutet an, dass Lebensmittel durch Bestrahlung behandelt wurden. Die Lebensmittelbestrahlung ist ein Verfahren zur Konservierung (im weitesten Sinn) von Lebensmitteln mit Hilfe von ionisierenden Strahlen. [1]… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lebensmittelbestrahlung — Das internationale „Radura Symbol“ deutet an, dass Lebensmittel durch Bestrahlung behandelt wurden. Die Lebensmittelbestrahlung ist ein Verfahren zur Konservierung (im weitesten Sinn) von Lebensmitteln mit Hilfe von ionisierenden Strahlen.[1][2] … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bombardements atomiques de Hiroshima et Nagasaki — Champignon atomique produit par l explosion sur Hiroshima, le 6 août 1945 Les bombardements atomiques de Hiroshima et Nagasaki ont eu lieu les 6 et 9 août 1945 à l initiative des États Unis après que les dirigeants japonais eurent… … Wikipédia en Français