Prescind — Pre*scind (pr[ e]*s[i^]nd ), v. t. [L. praescindere to cut off in front; prae before + scindere to cut asunder: cf. F. prescinder.] [1913 Webster] 1. To cut off; to abstract. [Obs.] Norris. [1913 Webster] 2. (Metaph.) To consider by a separate… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
prescind — [prē sind′, prisind′] vt. [L praescindere, to cut off in front < prae , before (see PRE ) + scindere, to cut] to detach, abstract, or isolate (a meaning, one s mind, etc.) vi. to detach or isolate oneself; withdraw one s attention (from) … English World dictionary
prescind — [prɪ sɪnd] verb (prescind from) formal leave out of consideration. ↘cut off or separate from something. Origin C17: from L. praescindere, from prae before + scindere to cut … English new terms dictionary
prescind from — formal leave out of consideration. → prescind … English new terms dictionary
prescind — verb Etymology: Latin praescindere to cut off in front, from prae + scindere to cut more at shed Date: 1650 intransitive verb to withdraw one s attention transitive verb to detach for purposes of thought … New Collegiate Dictionary
prescind — /pri sind /, v.t. 1. to separate or single out in thought; abstract. 2. to cut off, terminate, or remove. v.i. 3. to withdraw one s attention (usually fol. by from). 4. to turn aside in thought. [1630 40; < L praescindere to cut off in front. See … Universalium
prescind — verb a) To cut off, detach or separate something b) To think about multiple things individually … Wiktionary
prescind — pre·scind … English syllables
prescind — pre•scind [[t]prɪˈsɪnd[/t]] v. 1) to separate in thought; abstract 2) to remove 3) to withdraw one s attention • Etymology: 1630–40; < LL praescindere to separate. See pre , rescind … From formal English to slang
prescind — /prəˈsɪnd/ (say pruh sind) verb (t) 1. to separate in thought; abstract. 2. to remove. –verb (i) 3. to withdraw the attention (from). 4. to turn aside in thought. {Latin praescindere cut off in front} …
prescind — v.i.,v.t. abstract or separate (oneself). ♦ prescission, n … Dictionary of difficult words