prerogative writ

prerogative writ
прерогативный судебный приказ (издаваемый судом по своему усмотрению)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "prerogative writ" в других словарях:

  • prerogative writ — see writ Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. prerogative writ n …   Law dictionary

  • Prerogative writ — Prerogative writs are a class of writs which originate from English law. Originally they were available only to the Crown, but later they were made available to the king s subjects through the courts. The prerogative writs are: * certiorari *… …   Wikipedia

  • prerogative writ — noun : any of various writs of procedendo, certiorari, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto, and habeas corpus issued originally in England by the exercise of the royal prerogative and now in the discretion of the courts and directed usually to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • prerogative writ — /prərɒgətɪv ˈrɪt/ (say pruhroguhtiv rit) noun one of those writs traditionally within the power of a superior court to issue in its exercise of supervision of the administration of justice. Also, prerogative order …  

  • writ — / rit/ n [Old English, something written] 1: a letter that was issued in the name of the English monarch from Anglo Saxon times to declare his grants, wishes, and commands 2: an order or mandatory process in writing issued in the name of the… …   Law dictionary

  • prerogative — I noun advantage, authority, authorization, benefit, charter, claim, droit, due, exclusive privilege, exclusive right, franchise, freedom, grant, inalienable right, legal power, liberty, license, perquisite, power, preference, prior right,… …   Law dictionary

  • high prerogative writ — A writ issued not as an ordinary writ, of strict right, but at the discretion of the sovereign acting through that court in which the sovereign is supposed to be personally present. Ex parte Thompson, 85 NJ Eq 221, 96 A 102 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Writ of Amparo and Habeas Data (Philippines) — See also: amparo (law). The Writ of Amparo and Habeas Data (Philippines) are Prerogative writs to supplement the inefficacy of Philippine Habeas Corpus (Rule 102, Revised Rules of Court). Amparo means protection, while Habeas Data is access to… …   Wikipedia

  • Prerogative — A Prerogative is an exclusive legal right given from a government or state and invested in an individual or group, the content of which is separate from the body of rights enjoyed under the general law of the normative state. It was a common… …   Wikipedia

  • writ of right — A writ which is grantable as a matter of right, as opposed to a prerogative writ, which is issued only as a matter of grace or discretion. A writ which lay for one who had the right of property, against another who had the right of possession and …   Black's law dictionary

  • writ — A process. 42 Am J1st Proc § 2. A process authorizing or commanding the arrest of a person or the seizure of property, sometimes the seizure of property specifically described in the writ, at other times the seizure of any property of the… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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