prepreg strand

prepreg strand
предварительно пропитанная прядь (волокна)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "prepreg strand" в других словарях:

  • Composite material — A cloth of woven carbon fiber filaments, a common element in composite materials Composite materials, often shortened to composites or called composition materials, are engineered or naturally occurring materials made from two or more constituent …   Wikipedia

  • sheet molding compound — (SMC) Formerly called prepreg, SMC is supplied as a lightweight, pliable sheet which consists of a mixture of chopped strand mat pre impregnated with resin, fillers, catalyst, and pigment. A sheet is placed between the halves of a heated mold and …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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