preparatory work
Смотреть что такое "preparatory work" в других словарях:
Committee for Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence — The Committee for Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence (Indonesian: Badan Penyelidik Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (BPUPKI)), (Japanese: Dokuritsu Jyunbi Choosakai 独立準備調査会 ) was an organization set up in March 1945 by the Japanese … Wikipedia
preparatory — [[t]prɪpæ̱rətri, AM tɔːri[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Preparatory actions are done before doing something else as a form of preparation or as an introduction. At least a year s preparatory work will be necessary before building can start.… … English dictionary
preparatory — pre|par|a|to|ry [prıˈpærətəri US to:ri] adj 1.) [only before noun] done in order to get ready for something ▪ preparatory talks to clear the way for a peace settlement ▪ preparatory drawings ▪ A lot of preparatory work still needs to be done. 2.) … Dictionary of contemporary English
preparatory — adjective preparatory work preparatory to Syn: preliminary, initial, introductory, prefatory, opening, preparative, precursory … Thesaurus of popular words
work — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 effort/product of effort ADJECTIVE ▪ hard ▪ It s hard work trying to get him to do a few things for himself. ▪ It doesn t require skill it s a matter of sheer hard work. ▪ arduous, back breakin … Collocations dictionary
Preparatory Committee for Philippine Independence — The Preparatory Committee for Philippine Independence or the PCPI was the drafting body of the 1943 Philippine Constitution which was signed and unanimously approved on September 4, 1943 by its members and was then ratified by a popular… … Wikipedia
preparatory — adj. Preparatory is used with these nouns: ↑conference, ↑drawing, ↑meeting, ↑school, ↑sketch, ↑work … Collocations dictionary
spade|work — «SPAYD WURK», noun. 1. a digging, cutting, or removing with a spade. 2. Figurative. preparatory work, such as intensive research, investigation, or discussion, serving as a basis for further work or activity … Useful english dictionary
Archbishop Quigley Preparatory Seminary — Infobox nrhp | name =Quigley Preparatory Seminary nrhp type = caption = location= Chicago, Illinois lat degrees = 41 lat minutes = 53 lat seconds = 52 lat direction = N long degrees = 87 long minutes = 37 long seconds = 33 long direction = W… … Wikipedia
LeFlore Preparatory Academy — Infobox Education in the United States name = John L. LeFlore Magnet High School of Advanced Communications and Fine Performing Arts imagesize = 180px motto = Striving for Excellence in Education streetaddress = 700 Donald St. 36617 Toulminville… … Wikipedia
Bellarmine College Preparatory — Infobox School name = Bellarmine College Preparatory imagesize = caption = streetaddress = 960 West Hedding Street city = San Jose state = California county = Santa Clara County zipcode = 95126 country = USA coordinates = coord|37.342172|… … Wikipedia