premed — UK [ˈpriːmed] / US [ˈprɪmed] or pre med UK / US noun Word forms premed : singular premed plural premeds informal a) [uncountable] in the US, a degree or set of classes that you take in college before you go to medical school b) [countable] a… … English dictionary
premed — En inglés, abreviatura de premedical student (estudiante preclínico de medicina). Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
premed — of or pertaining to study in preparation for medical school, 1962, from premedical (1904), from PRE (Cf. pre ) + MEDICAL (Cf. medical) … Etymology dictionary
premed — pre|med pre med [ˌpri:ˈmed] adj AmE [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: premedical] relating to classes that prepare a student for medical school, or to the students who are taking these classes ▪ a premed student >premed, pre med [ˈpri:med] n [U] … Dictionary of contemporary English
premed — pre·med prē med n a premedical student or course of study premed adj PREMEDICAL … Medical dictionary
premed — n. student of pre medical studies (Slang) premed (premedical) adj. pertaining to studies that prepare students for medical school; prior to medical school … English contemporary dictionary
premed — I. noun Date: circa 1928 a premedical student or course of study II. adjective Date: 1950 premedical … New Collegiate Dictionary
premed — /pree med /, n. 1. a program of premedical study or training. 2. a student enrolled in such a program. adj. 3. of or pertaining to premedical studies. [1960 65; short for PREMEDICAL] * * * … Universalium
premed — noun A premedication … Wiktionary
premed — pre·med … English syllables
premed — pre•med [[t]priˈmɛd[/t]] adj. 1) cvb premedical 2) a program of premedical study or training 3) a student enrolled in such a program … From formal English to slang