- preliminary section
- сейсм. предварительный разрез
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
preliminary section — /prəˈlɪmənri ˈsɛkʃən/ (say pruh limuhnree sekshuhn) noun SA History a land selection sold to a purchaser in London before settlement in Australia and surveying work was carried out …
preliminary — /prəˈlɪmənəri / (say pruh limuhnuhree), /prəˈlɪmənri/ (say pruh limuhnree) adjective 1. preceding and leading up to the main matter or business; introductory; preparatory. 2. SA History in possession of a preliminary section: preliminary… …
Caesarean section — Intervention A team of obstetricians performing a Caesarean section in a modern hospital. ICD 9 CM … Wikipedia
Acoma-Zuni Section — The Acoma Zuni Section is a physiographic section of the larger Colorado Plateaus province, which in turn is part of the larger Intermontane Plateaus physiographic division.cite web |title=Physiographic divisions of the conterminous U. S.… … Wikipedia
introduction — [in΄trəduk′shən] n. [ME introduccion < MFr introduction < L introductio] 1. an introducing or being introduced 2. anything introduced, or brought into use, knowledge, or fashion 3. anything that introduces, or prepares the way for; specif … English World dictionary
introduction — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. preface, forward, prelude; presentation, [new] acquaintanceship; insertion. See courtesy, precedence, drama. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [The act of bringing in] Syn. admittance, initiation, inception,… … English dictionary for students
George Koltanowski — (also Georges ;September 17, 1903, in Antwerp, Belgium ndash;February 5, 2000) was a Belgian born American chess player, promoter, and writer. He was informally known as Kolty . Koltanowski set the world s blindfold record on September 20, 1937,… … Wikipedia
Bielsko-Biała Museum — The Castle in Bielsko Biała, Poland The Bielsko Biała Museum is a museum for the city of Bielsko Biała, Poland located in the historical Bielsko Castle. Three local branches of the museum have been established since the 1970s: the Julian Fałat… … Wikipedia
constitution of 1978 — Following the historic general election of 1977, the newly elected parliament proceeded to draw up a new constitution for democratic Spain. The first draft was prepared by a group of seven parliamentarians, representing the major political… … Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture
introduction — noun 1》 the action of introducing or being introduced. ↘a thing, such as a product or plant, that is newly brought in. 2》 a formal presentation of one person to another, in which each is told the other s name. 3》 a preliminary thing, such as… … English new terms dictionary
Chess problem — Part of a series on Puzzles … Wikipedia