Смотреть что такое "preformative" в других словарях:
Preformative — Pre*form a*tive, n. A formative letter at the beginning of a word. M. Stuart. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
preformative — adj. & n. adj. 1 forming beforehand. 2 prefixed as the formative element of a word. n. a preformative syllable or letter … Useful english dictionary
preformative — pre·formative … English syllables
Aramaic of Hatra — In 1912, W. Andrae published some inscriptions from the site of Hatra, which were studied by S. Ronzevalle and P. Jensen. The excavations undertaken by the Iraqi Department of Antiquities brought to light more than 100 new texts, the publication… … Wikipedia
Aramaic language — Not to be confused with the Amharic language. For the people, see Aramaeans. Aramaic Arāmît Pronunciation [arɑmiθ], [arɑmit], [ɑrɑmɑjɑ], [ɔrɔmɔjɔ] Spoken in Ir … Wikipedia
HEBREW LANGUAGE — This entry is arranged according to the following scheme: pre biblical biblical the dead sea scrolls mishnaic medieval modern period A detailed table of contents precedes each section. PRE BIBLICAL nature of the evidence the sources phonology… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
preformant — (ˈ)prē+ noun Etymology: pre + formant : preformative … Useful english dictionary
afformative — I. aˈfȯ(r)məd.iv, əˈ noun ( s) Etymology: ad + formative : suffix 1 used especially in Semitic grammar; contrasted with preformative II. (ˈ)a|f , əˈf adjective : characteri … Useful english dictionary
UGARITIC — UGARITIC, a Northwest Semitic language spoken and written in northern Syria during the second millennium B.C.E. Documents written in this tongue have been discovered at Ras Shamra, site of the ancient ugarit , and at nearby Ras ibn Hani. The… … Encyclopedia of Judaism