- predynastic
- (историческое) додинастический (о Египте) ;
относящийся к периоду до первой династии (ок. 3200 г. до н.э.)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Predynastic Egypt — The Predynastic Period of Egypt (prior to 3100 BC) is traditionally the period between the Early Neolithic and the beginning of the Pharaonic monarchy beginning with King Narmer. However, the dates of the predynastic period were first defined… … Wikipedia
predynastic — /pree duy nas tik/, adj. of, pertaining to, or belonging to a time or period before the first dynasty of a nation, esp. the period in Egypt before c3200 B.C. [1895 1900; PRE + DYNASTIC] * * * … Universalium
predynastic — adjective Before the time of a dynasty … Wiktionary
predynastic — [ˌpri:dɪ nastɪk, dʌɪ ] adjective relating to or denoting a period before the normally recognized dynasties, especially in ancient Egypt before about 3000 BC … English new terms dictionary
predynastic — pre·dynastic … English syllables
predynastic — pre dy•nas′tic adj … From formal English to slang
predynastic — /pridəˈnæstɪk/ (say preeduh nastik), / daɪ / (say duy ) adjective of or relating to the period in Egypt before the first dynasty, generally taken as before 3200 BC …
predynastic — adj. of or relating to a period before the normally recognized dynasties (esp. of ancient Egypt) … Useful english dictionary
Predynastic Period — (c. 5000–3100 BC) The period in Egyptian history from the development of permanent settlements until the creation of the united Egyptian state with Dynasty I. The period is subdivided into the cultures named from the sites of el Badari and… … Ancient Egypt
CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE — PREDYNASTIC PERIOD (c.5000 3100 BC) Scorpion before 3100 BC UNIFICATION OF EGYPT (c.3100 BC) ARCHAIC PERIOD First Dynasty c.3100 2890 BC Narmer (Menes) c.3100 ? BC Aha c.3070 BC Djer c.3042 2995 BC Den c.2985 2930… … Ancient Egypt
Egyptian Periods — Predynastic Egypt 5000 BC to 3200 BC; Dynastic Egypt 3200 BC to 2700 BC. During this period, they began to develop their society, laws and religion; The Old Kingdom 2700 BC to 2260 BC. This period saw advancement in their knowledge of… … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology