predicate letter

predicate letter
мат. предикатная буква

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "predicate letter" в других словарях:

  • Predicate functor logic — In mathematical logic, predicate functor logic (PFL) is one of several ways to express first order logic (formerly known as predicate logic) by purely algebraic means, i.e., without quantified variables. PFL employs a small number of algebraic… …   Wikipedia

  • Predicate variable — In first order logic, a predicate variable is a predicate letter which can stand for a relation (between terms) but which has not been specifically assigned any particular relation (or meaning). In first order logic (FOL) they can be more… …   Wikipedia

  • Monadic predicate calculus — In logic, the monadic predicate calculus is the fragment of predicate calculus in which all predicate letters are monadic (that is, they take only one argument), and there are no function letters. All atomic formulae have the form P(x), where P… …   Wikipedia

  • Kleene's T predicate — In computability theory, the T predicate, first studied by mathematician Stephen Cole Kleene, is a particular set of triples of natural numbers that is used to represent computable functions within formal theories of arithmetic. Informally, the T …   Wikipedia

  • Atomic sentence — In logic, an atomic sentence is a type of declarative sentence which is either true or false (may also be referred to as a proposition, statement or truthbearer) and which cannot be broken down into other simpler sentences. For example The dog… …   Wikipedia

  • Mereotopology — In formal ontology, a branch of metaphysics, and in ontological computer science, mereotopology is a first order theory, embodying mereological and topological concepts, of the relations among wholes, parts, parts of parts, and the boundaries… …   Wikipedia

  • interpretation — (logic) Informally, an intepretation of a logical system assigns meaning or semantic value to the formulae and their elements. More formally, if we consider a language whose non logical terms include names, function symbols, predicate letters,… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Whitehead's point-free geometry — In mathematics, point free geometry is a geometry whose primitive ontological notion is region rather than point. Two axiomatic systems are set out below, one grounded in mereology, the other in mereotopology and known as connection theory… …   Wikipedia

  • General set theory — (GST) is George Boolos s (1998) name for a three axiom fragment of the canonical axiomatic set theory Z. GST is sufficient for all mathematics not requiring infinite sets, and is the weakest known set theory whose theorems include the Peano… …   Wikipedia

  • HEBREW GRAMMAR — The following entry is divided into two sections: an Introduction for the non specialist and (II) a detailed survey. [i] HEBREW GRAMMAR: AN INTRODUCTION There are four main phases in the history of the Hebrew language: the biblical or classical,… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • logic, history of — Introduction       the history of the discipline from its origins among the ancient Greeks to the present time. Origins of logic in the West Precursors of ancient logic       There was a medieval tradition according to which the Greek philosopher …   Universalium

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