- predefined macro
- предопределенная макрокоманда;
встроенная макрокоманда
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Assert.h — is a header file in the standard library of the C programming language that defines the C preprocessor macro assert(). The macro implements an assertion, which can be used to verify assumptions made by the program.The assert() macro inserts… … Wikipedia
C11 — или ISO/IEC 9899:2011 (неофициально C1X) новый стандарт для языка Си (ISO/IEC 9899:2011[1]), который заменил существующий стандарт C99. Официально о выпуске стандарта было объявлено 19 декабря 2011 года[2]. Эта версия стандарта большей… … Википедия
C preprocessor — The C preprocessor (cpp) is the preprocessor for the C and C++ computer programming languages. The preprocessor handles directives for source file inclusion (#include), macro definitions (#define), and conditional inclusion (#if). In many C… … Wikipedia
Assembly language — See the terminology section below for information regarding inconsistent use of the terms assembly and assembler. Motorola MC6800 Assembly Language An assembly language is a low level programming language for computers, microprocessors,… … Wikipedia
Application-specific integrated circuit — An application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) is an integrated circuit (IC) customized for a particular use, rather than intended for general purpose use. For example, a chip designed solely to run a cell phone is an ASIC.In contrast, the… … Wikipedia
Make (software) — make Original author(s) Stuart Feldman Initial release 1977 Type build automation tool In software development, Make is a utility that automatically builds executable programs and libraries from source code by rea … Wikipedia
Gateway AnyKey — The Gateway AnyKey is a programmable PC keyboard that was sold with desktop computers from the Gateway 2000 company roughly from 1990 to 1995. It was manufactured in at least five known versions and incarnations by Tucson, Arizona based Maxi… … Wikipedia
Nemerle — Paradigm(s) multi paradigm: metaprogramming, functional, object oriented, imperative Appeared in 2003 Designed by Kamil Skalski, Michał Moskal, Prof. Leszek Pacholski and Paweł Olszta at Wrocław University Stable release … Wikipedia
Document Type Definition — (DTD) is a set of markup declarations that define a document type for SGML family markup languages (SGML, XML, HTML). DTDs were a precursor to XML schema and have a similar function, although different capabilities. DTDs use a terse formal syntax … Wikipedia
List of C functions — This page aims to alphabetically list all the predefined functions used in the C standard library, and a few of the non standard functions. * assert.h ** (no functions) * ctype.h ** (non standard) digittoint ** isalnum ** isalpha ** (non… … Wikipedia
Field-programmable gate array — FPGAs should not be confused with the flip chip pin grid array, a form of integrated circuit packaging. A field programmable gate array is a semiconductor device containing programmable logic components called logic blocks , and programmable… … Wikipedia