Смотреть что такое "precut" в других словарях:
precut — /pree kut /, adj., v., precut, precutting. adj. 1. cut to a specific shape or size before being assembled or used: a kit with precut parts. v.t. 2. to cut or cut out in advance: The logs were precut to size. [1940 45; PRE + CUT] * * * … Universalium
precut — verb To cut something in advance … Wiktionary
precut — pre·cut … English syllables
precut — pre•cut′ adj. v. t. cut, cut•ting … From formal English to slang
precut — (past and past part. cut) cut in advance … Useful english dictionary
precut sphincterotomy — in cannulation and sphincterotomy for procedures in the common bile duct, initial cutting of the papilla of Vater when the opening is particularly blocked or stenosed … Medical dictionary
Sears Catalog Home — Sears Catalog Homes (sold as Sears Modern Homes) were ready to assemble houses sold through mail order by Sears Roebuck and Company, an American retailer. Over 70,000 of these were sold in North America between 1908 and 1940. Shipped via railroad … Wikipedia
Operation Phoenix (railway) — For other uses of Operation Phoenix , see Operation Phoenix. Operation Phoenix was a post World War II rehabilitation program carried out by the Victorian Railways (VR) in Australia. The program commenced in 1950 and was originally planned to… … Wikipedia
Kit house — Cover of the 1916 catalog of Gordon Van Tine kit house plans … Wikipedia
Lumber — Timber redirects here. For other uses, see Timber (disambiguation). Timber in storage for later processing at a sawmill … Wikipedia
George Franklin Barber — (1854 1915) was one of the most prolific American architects of the late Victorian period. If success can be measured in number of buildings constructed per his designs, Barber must also be considered one of the most popular architects of the era … Wikipedia