Смотреть что такое "preconize" в других словарях:
Preconize — Pre con*ize, v. t. (Eccl.) To approve by preconization. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
preconize — [prē′kə nīz΄] vt. preconized, preconizing [ME preconisen < ML praeconizare < L praeco (gen. praeconis), public crier (prob. contr. < praedicator, proclaimer: see PREACHER) + LL izare, IZE] 1. to proclaim or extol in public 2. to approve… … English World dictionary
preconize — preconization, n. preconizer, n. /pree keuh nuyz /, v.t., preconized, preconizing. 1. to proclaim or commend publicly. 2. to summon publicly. 3. Rom. Cath. Ch. (of the pope) to declare solemnly in consistory the appointment of (a new bishop or… … Universalium
preconize — verb To proclaim in public; especially (of the Pope) to announce the appointment of a bishop See Also: preconization … Wiktionary
preconize — or preconise pri:kənʌɪz verb rare proclaim or commend publicly. ↘(of the Pope) publicly approve the appointment of (a bishop). Origin ME: from med. L. praeconizare, from L. praeco(n ) herald … English new terms dictionary
preconize — preco·nize … English syllables
preconize — v.t. proclaim; publish publicly. ♦ preconization, n … Dictionary of difficult words
preconize — (also ise) 1 proclaim or commend publicly. 2 summon by name. 3 RC Ch. (of the Pope) approve publicly the appointment of (a bishop). Derivatives: preconization n. Etymology: ME f. med.L praeconizare f. L praeco onis herald … Useful english dictionary
bid come — Synonyms and related words: ask, call, call away, call back, call for, call forth, call in, call out, call together, call up, cite, conjure, conjure up, convene, convoke, demand, evoke, indent, invite, invoke, issue an invitation, muster, muster… … Moby Thesaurus
call — Synonyms and related words: Angelus, Angelus bell, DDD, accompany, address, adjuration, adumbrate, alarm, alarum, allurement, animal noise, ante, ante up, antecedents, apostleship, apostrophize, appeal, appeal to, appraise, appreciate,… … Moby Thesaurus
call for — Synonyms and related words: affect, apply for, ask, ask for, assume, bare necessities, be hurting for, be indicated, beg leave, bespeak, bid come, blackmail, bring, bring back, brook no denial, call, call away, call back, call forth, call in,… … Moby Thesaurus