Смотреть что такое "precomputer" в других словарях:
precomputer — adjective Before the availability of computer technology … Wiktionary
Microform — For other uses, see Microform (disambiguation). Digital scanning of microfilm (see Digital conversion below). Microforms are any forms, either films or paper, containing microreproductions[1] of documents for transmission, storage, reading, and… … Wikipedia
Fremont Rider — (May 25, 1885 October 26, 1962), born in Trenton, New Jersey, was a noted editor, publisher, writer, genealogist, librarian and inventor. In the early 1900s he wrote in several genres including plays, poetry, short stories, and non fiction. In… … Wikipedia
chess — chess1 /ches/, n. a game played by two persons, each with 16 pieces, on a chessboard. [1150 1200; ME < OF esches, pl. of eschec CHECK1] chess2 /ches/, n., pl. chess, chesses. one of the planks forming the roadway of a floating bridge. [1425 75;… … Universalium
докомпьютерная криптография — — [[ d=23]] Тематики защита информации EN precomputer cryptography … Справочник технического переводчика
докомпьютерный — — [[ d=23]] Тематики защита информации EN precomputer … Справочник технического переводчика