
prɪˈkəuʃəs прил.
1) с.-х. скороспелый, ранний
2) перен. а) рано развившийся;
не по годам развитой б) преждевременный;
ранний At the precocious age of 29 she was made a professor of philology. ≈ Очень рано, в 29 лет она стала профессором филологии. Syn : premature, early не по летам развитой, рано развившийся - * child не по годам развитой ребенок - * talent рано развившийся талант преждевременный - * maturity преждевременная зрелость (сельскохозяйственное) скороспелый, ранний precocious преждевременный ~ рано развившийся;
не по годам развитой ~ с.-х. скороспелый

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "precocious" в других словарях:

  • Precocious — Pre*co cious, a. [L. praecox, ocis, and praecoquus, fr. praecoquere to cook or ripen beforehand; prae before + coquere to cook. See 3d {Cook}, and cf. {Apricot}.] 1. Ripe or mature before the proper or natural time; early or prematurely ripe or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • precocious — [prē kō′shəs, prikō′shəs] adj. [< L praecox < praecoquere, to boil beforehand < prae , before (see PRE ) + coquere, to mature, COOK] 1. developed or matured to a point beyond that which is normal for the age [a precocious child] 2. of or …   English World dictionary

  • precocious — (adj.) 1640s, developed before the usual time, from L. praecox (gen. praecocis) maturing early, from prae before (see PRE (Cf. pre )) + coquere to ripen, lit. to cook (see COOK (Cf. cook) (n.)). Originally of flowers or fruits. Figurative use, of …   Etymology dictionary

  • precocious — untimely, forward, *premature, advanced Analogous words: immature, unmatured, unripe Antonyms: backward …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • precocious — [adj] exceptionally smart, ahead of age in understanding advanced, aggressive, ahead of time*, beforehand, bold, brassy*, bright, cheeky*, cocky*, developed, early, flip*, flippant, forward, fresh, intelligent, mature, nervy, premature,… …   New thesaurus

  • precocious — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ having developed certain abilities or inclinations at an earlier age than usual. DERIVATIVES precociously adverb precociousness noun precocity noun. ORIGIN from Latin praecox, from praecoquere ripen fully …   English terms dictionary

  • Precocious — Unusually early development, whether it be of intellectual powers, speech, physical traits, etc. Precocious puberty is the unusually early development of secondary sexual features. The onset of sexual maturation in a girl before age 8 or a boy… …   Medical dictionary

  • precocious — [[t]prɪko͟ʊʃəs[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A precocious child is very clever, mature, or good at something, often in a way that you usually only expect to find in an adult. Margaret was always a precocious child... She burst on to the world tennis …   English dictionary

  • precocious — adjective Etymology: Latin praecoc , praecox early ripening, precocious, from prae + coquere to cook more at cook Date: 1650 1. exceptionally early in development or occurrence < precocious puberty > 2. exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • precocious — [17] Precocious means etymologically ‘pre cooked’. It was borrowed from Latin praecox, a derivative of the verb praecoquere ‘cook in advance’, which was a compound formed from the prefix prae ‘before’ and coquere ‘cook’ (a relative of English… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • precocious — [17] Precocious means etymologically ‘pre cooked’. It was borrowed from Latin praecox, a derivative of the verb praecoquere ‘cook in advance’, which was a compound formed from the prefix prae ‘before’ and coquere ‘cook’ (a relative of English… …   Word origins

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