precision measure

precision measure
мат. мера точности

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "precision measure" в других словарях:

  • precision measure — tikslumo matas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. precision measure vok. Genauigkeitsmaß, n rus. мера точности, f pranc. mesure d’exactitude, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Precision and recall — are two widely used measures for evaluating the quality of results in domains such as Information Retrieval and statistical classification.Precision can be seen as a measure of exactness or fidelity, whereas Recall is a measure of completeness.In …   Wikipedia

  • Precision teaching — is a precise and systematic method of evaluating instructional tactics and curricula. It is one of the few quantitative analyses of behavior forms of applied behavior analysis. It comes from a very strong quantitative scientific basis and was… …   Wikipedia

  • Precision et rappel — Précision et rappel Lorsqu’une personne interroge une base de données (que ce soit un logiciel documentaire ou un moteur de recherche), elle attend un ensemble de réponses (sous forme de documents) égal ou supérieur à un. À partir de l ensemble… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Précision et rappel (recherche d'information) — Précision et rappel Lorsqu’une personne interroge une base de données (que ce soit un logiciel documentaire ou un moteur de recherche), elle attend un ensemble de réponses (sous forme de documents) égal ou supérieur à un. À partir de l ensemble… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Precision — has the following meanings:;Concepts * Accuracy and precision, the degree of mutual agreement among a series of individual measurements or values * Precision (arithmetic), the number of digits with which a value is expressed * Precision… …   Wikipedia

  • Precision (information retrieval) — In the field of information retrieval, precision is the percent of retrieved documents that are relevant to the search:: mbox{precision}=frac{|{mbox{retrieved documents}} Precision takes all retrieved documents into account, but it can also be… …   Wikipedia

  • Précision et rappel — Lorsqu’une personne interroge une base de données (que ce soit un logiciel documentaire ou un moteur de recherche), elle attend un ensemble de réponses (sous forme de documents) égal ou supérieur à un. À partir de l ensemble de réponses obtenus… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Precision tests of QED — Quantum electrodynamics (QED), a relativistic quantum field theory of electrodynamics, is among the most stringently tested theories in physics.Precision tests of QED consist of measurements of the electromagnetic fine structure constant, α, in… …   Wikipedia

  • Precision (computer science) — In computer science, precision of a numerical quantity is a measure of the detail in which the quantity is expressed. This is usually measured in bits, but sometimes in decimal digits. It is related to precision in mathematics, which describes… …   Wikipedia

  • Precision Time Protocol — The Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is a time transfer protocol defined in the IEEE 1588 2002 standard that allows precise synchronization of networks (e.g., Ethernet). Accuracy within the nanosecond range can be achieved with this protocol when… …   Wikipedia

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