precedence table
Смотреть что такое "precedence table" в других словарях:
precedence table — precedentų lentelė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. precedence table vok. Präzedenztabelle, f rus. таблица предшествования, f pranc. table de précédence, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
table de précédence — precedentų lentelė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. precedence table vok. Präzedenztabelle, f rus. таблица предшествования, f pranc. table de précédence, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Table of Precedence for the Commonwealth of Australia — The following is the Australian Table of Precedence. #The Governor General of Australia (Quentin Bryce) #Governors of states in order of appointment: ##Governor of New South Wales (Professor Marie Bashir) ##Governor of Western Australia (Dr Ken… … Wikipedia
Operator-precedence grammar — An operator precedence grammar is a kind of grammar for formal languages. Technically, an operator precedence grammar is a context free grammar that has the property (among others[1]) that no production has either an empty right hand side or two… … Wikipedia
Simple precedence grammar — A simple precedence grammar is a context free formal grammar that can be parsed with a simple precedence parser. TOC =Formal definition=G = ( N , Sigma;, P , S ) is a simple precedence grammar if all the production rules in P comply with the… … Wikipedia
Wirth-Weber precedence relationship — The Wirth Weber relationship between a pair of symbols (V t cup V n) is necessary to determine if a formal grammar is a Simple precedence grammar, and in such case the Simple precedence parser can be used. The goal is to identify the when the… … Wikipedia
Canadian order of precedence — This article is about the order of precedence for Canadian dignitaries. For the list of precedence for medals, honours and post nominals, see Canadian order of precedence (decorations and medals). v · d · e … Wikipedia
Order of precedence in England and Wales — v · d · e Orders of precedence … Wikipedia
Order of precedence in Ontario — This article is about the order of precedence for dignitaries in the province of Ontario; for the federal list of precedence for Canadian dignitaries, see Canadian order of precedence. v · d · e … Wikipedia
Simple precedence parser — In computer science, a Simple precedence parser is a type of bottom up parser for context free grammars that can be used only by Simple precedence grammars.The implementation of the parser is quite similar to the generic bottom up parser. A stack … Wikipedia
Operator-precedence parser — An operator precedence parser is a bottom up parser that interprets an operator precedence grammar. For example, most calculators use operator precedence parsers to convert from the human readable infix notation with order of operations format… … Wikipedia