Смотреть что такое "precanned" в других словарях:
Combo (video games) — In video games, a combo (short for combination) is a term that designates a set of actions performed in sequence, usually with strict timing limitations, that yield a significant benefit or advantage. The term originates from fighting games where … Wikipedia
IBM Tivoli System Automation — Тип high availability Разработчик IBM Операционная система cross platform Последняя версия (2008) Лицензия Проприетарное программное обеспечение … Википедия
Combo (video gaming) — Liu Kang after performing a 7 hit combo on Scorpion in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 In video games, a combo (short for combination) is a term that designates a set of actions performed in sequence, usually with strict timing limitations, that yield a … Wikipedia