Смотреть что такое "pre-press" в других словарях:
pre-press — /pri: pres/ adjective before going to press … Marketing dictionary in english
pre-press — adjective relating to composition, page layout, and other work done on a publication before it is actually printed … English new terms dictionary
pre-press work — /pri: pres wɜ:k/ noun the work needed to change original copy and artwork into the form required for printing … Marketing dictionary in english
pre — pre·abdomen; pre·acanthella; pre·adamitism; pre·adapt; pre·adaptation; pre·adaptive; pre·admission; pre·adolescence; pre·adult; pre·agonal; pre·am·bu·lar; pre·am·bu·late; pre·amp; pre·amplifier; pre·animism; pre·apprehension; pre·arrange;… … English syllables
press — clothes·press; com·press·ibil·i·ty; com·press·ible; com·press·ing·ly; de·press; de·press·ibil·i·ty; de·press·ible; em·press·ite; ex·press·age; ex·press·er; ex·press·ible; ex·press·less; ex·press·ly; ex·press·man; hy·dro·press; im·press·able;… … English syllables
Pre-Adamite — hypothesis or Preadamism is the religious belief that humans existed before Adam, the first human being named in the Bible. This belief has a long history, probably having its origins in early pagan responses to Abrahamic claims regarding the… … Wikipedia
Pre-Columbian Africa-Americas contact theories — propose direct contact or actual migrations by peoples from the continent of Africa with the indigenous peoples of the Americas at some stage during the pre Columbian history of the Americas– that is, earlier than the late 15th century. There is… … Wikipedia
Pre-dreadnought battleship — is the general term for all of the types of sea going battleships built between the mid 1890s and 1905. Pre dreadnoughts replaced the ironclad warships of the 1870s and 1880s. Built from steel, and protected by hardened steel armour, pre… … Wikipedia
Pre-ex — Pre exhaustion or pre ex is a strength training protocol invented by bodybuildingwriter Bob Kennedy and popularized by Arthur Jones and Mike Mentzer.In theory, muscle development will always be incomplete with standard movements,because the large … Wikipedia
Pre-existence — (also spelled preëxistence), beforelife, or pre mortal existence refers to the belief that each individual human soul existed before conception, and at conception (or later, depending on when it is believed that the soul enters the body) one of… … Wikipedia
Pre-Code — films were created before the Motion Picture Production Code or Hays Code censorship guidelines took effect on 1 July 1934 in the United States. A previous code of conduct for the film industry, introduced in 1930, was widely ignored and not… … Wikipedia