Смотреть что такое "pre-human" в других словарях:
pre — pre·abdomen; pre·acanthella; pre·adamitism; pre·adapt; pre·adaptation; pre·adaptive; pre·admission; pre·adolescence; pre·adult; pre·agonal; pre·am·bu·lar; pre·am·bu·late; pre·amp; pre·amplifier; pre·animism; pre·apprehension; pre·arrange;… … English syllables
pre-Adamite — 1. noun A member of any race that predates Adam; an inhuman being. 2. adjective Of or pertaining to a race that predates Adam; pre human. I am, in point of fact, a particularly haughty and exclusive person, of pre Adamite ancestral descent. You… … Wiktionary
Human mortality from H5N1 — or the human fatality ratio from H5N1 or the case fatality rate of H5N1 refer to the ratio of the number of confirmed human deaths resulting from confirmed cases of transmission and infection of H5N1 to the number of those confirmed cases. For… … Wikipedia
Pre-Adamite — hypothesis or Preadamism is the religious belief that humans existed before Adam, the first human being named in the Bible. This belief has a long history, probably having its origins in early pagan responses to Abrahamic claims regarding the… … Wikipedia
Human sacrifice — is the act of homicide (the killing of one or several human beings) in the context of a religious ritual (ritual killing). Its typology closely parallels the various practices of ritual slaughter of animals (animal sacrifice) and of religious… … Wikipedia
Pre-ejaculate — on head of human penis Pre ejaculate (also known as pre ejaculatory fluid, preseminal fluid, or Cowper s fluid, and colloquially as pre cum) is the clear, colorless, viscous fluid that emits from the urethra of a man s penis when he is sexually… … Wikipedia
Human sacrifice in Aztec culture — Human sacrifice was an aspect of historical Aztec culture/religion, although the extent of the practice is debated by scholars. The Spaniards who first met the Aztecs explicitly stated in their writings that human sacrifice was widely practiced… … Wikipedia
Human rights in the People's Republic of China — Human rights in China redirects here. For the non governmental organization, see Human Rights in China (organization). People s Republic of China This article is part of the series: P … Wikipedia
Pre-existence — (also spelled preëxistence), beforelife, or pre mortal existence refers to the belief that each individual human soul existed before conception, and at conception (or later, depending on when it is believed that the soul enters the body) one of… … Wikipedia
Pre-clinical development — is a stage of research that begins before clinical trials (testing in humans) can begin, and during which important feasibility, iterative testing and safety (also known as Good Laboratory Practice or GLP ) data is collected. The main goals of… … Wikipedia
Pre-Columbian Africa-Americas contact theories — propose direct contact or actual migrations by peoples from the continent of Africa with the indigenous peoples of the Americas at some stage during the pre Columbian history of the Americas– that is, earlier than the late 15th century. There is… … Wikipedia