Смотреть что такое "pre-group" в других словарях:
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood — ➡ Pre Raphaelite * * * group of young British painters who banded together in 1848 in reaction against what they conceived to be the unimaginative and artificial historical painting of the Royal Academy and who purportedly sought to express … Universalium
Group II intron — is a class of intron found in rRNA, tRNA, mRNA of organelles in fungi, plants, protists, and mRNA in bacteria. Self splicing occurs in vitro (for a few of the introns studied to date), but protein machinery is probably required in vivo. In… … Wikipedia
Group 11 element — Group → 11 ↓ Period 4 29 Cu 5 … Wikipedia
Pre-school learning alliance — is a leading early years charityand the largest voluntary sector provider of quality, affordable childcare for young children in England.The Alliance offers professional and practical support to over 15,000 early years settings and nearly 800,000 … Wikipedia
Pre-ejaculate — on head of human penis Pre ejaculate (also known as pre ejaculatory fluid, preseminal fluid, or Cowper s fluid, and colloquially as pre cum) is the clear, colorless, viscous fluid that emits from the urethra of a man s penis when he is sexually… … Wikipedia
Pre-conception counseling — (also called pre conceptual counseling) is based on the medical theory that all women of child bearing years should be pre screened for health and risk potentials before attempting to be pregnant. Physicians and baby experts recommend that a… … Wikipedia
Pre-diabetes — is a relatively new term for a condition of abnormal glucose metabolism wherein the patient has periods of both hyper and hypo glycemia, but without meeting the formal definition of type 2 diabetes mellitus. An individual may show evidence of… … Wikipedia
Pre-paid legal services — is a individual or group employee benefit legal plan in which a member pays a monthly fee in exchange for access to a range of legal services on call. Pre paid legal plans typically offer certain services for a fixed monthly charge such as legal… … Wikipedia
Pre-emption Group Guidelines — Voluntary guidelines produced by representatives of listed companies, investment institutions and corporate finance practitioners. They relate to issues of equity securities for cash other than on a pro rata basis, setting out the extent to which … Law dictionary
Pre-Columbian Africa-Americas contact theories — propose direct contact or actual migrations by peoples from the continent of Africa with the indigenous peoples of the Americas at some stage during the pre Columbian history of the Americas– that is, earlier than the late 15th century. There is… … Wikipedia
Group Captain — (Gp Capt in the RAF and Indian Air Force, GPCAPT in the RNZAF and RAAF, G/C in the former RCAF) is a senior commissioned rank in the Royal Air Force [cite web |url= |title=Ranks and Badges of… … Wikipedia