Смотреть что такое "pre-examination" в других словарях:
pre-examination — /pri əgzæməˈneɪʃən/ (say pree uhgzamuh nayshuhn) adjective before an examination: pre examination nerves. Also, pre exam …
pre-examination — … Useful english dictionary
pre — pre·abdomen; pre·acanthella; pre·adamitism; pre·adapt; pre·adaptation; pre·adaptive; pre·admission; pre·adolescence; pre·adult; pre·agonal; pre·am·bu·lar; pre·am·bu·late; pre·amp; pre·amplifier; pre·animism; pre·apprehension; pre·arrange;… … English syllables
Pre-ejaculate — on head of human penis Pre ejaculate (also known as pre ejaculatory fluid, preseminal fluid, or Cowper s fluid, and colloquially as pre cum) is the clear, colorless, viscous fluid that emits from the urethra of a man s penis when he is sexually… … Wikipedia
pre|lim´i|nar´i|ly — pre|lim|i|nar|y «prih LIHM uh NEHR ee», adjective, noun, plural nar|ies. –adj. coming before the main business; leading to something more important: »After the preliminary exercises of prayer and song, the speaker of the day gave an address.… … Useful english dictionary
pre|lim|i|nar|y — «prih LIHM uh NEHR ee», adjective, noun, plural nar|ies. –adj. coming before the main business; leading to something more important: »After the preliminary exercises of prayer and song, the speaker of the day gave an address. SYNONYM(S):… … Useful english dictionary
Pre-Columbian Africa-Americas contact theories — propose direct contact or actual migrations by peoples from the continent of Africa with the indigenous peoples of the Americas at some stage during the pre Columbian history of the Americas– that is, earlier than the late 15th century. There is… … Wikipedia
pre|can|cer|ous — «pree KAN suhr uhs», adjective. of or having to do with a condition of the tissues which, while not now cancerous may develop into cancer, as certain skin growths: »Examination of the lungs of cigarette smokers under the microscope reveals… … Useful english dictionary
pre|cog|ni|tion — «PREE kog NIHSH uhn», noun. 1. previous cognition or knowledge; foreknowledge: »He further claims the laboratory proof of precognition (as in preguessing the order of a pack of cards which is to be mechanically shuffled) (Newsweek). 2. in Scots… … Useful english dictionary
pre|con|cert — «verb. PREE kuhn SURT; noun. pree KON suhrt», verb, noun. –v.t. to arrange beforehand: »At a preconcerted signal the policemen rushed into the thieves hideout. –n. a previous arrangement; preconcerted agreement or action: »We arose, as if by… … Useful english dictionary
pre|judg|ment — «pree JUHJ muhnt», noun. the act of prejudging; judgment before full knowledge or examination of the case; decision or condemnation in advance: »I listen that I may know, without prejudgment (George Eliot) … Useful english dictionary