- pre-establish
- гл. устанавливать заранее устанавливать заранее
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
pre-establish — /pri əsˈtæblɪʃ/ (say pree uhs tablish) verb (t) to establish beforehand. –pre establishment, noun …
pre-establish — verb establish in advance … English new terms dictionary
pre-establish — v.tr. establish beforehand … Useful english dictionary
pre — pre·abdomen; pre·acanthella; pre·adamitism; pre·adapt; pre·adaptation; pre·adaptive; pre·admission; pre·adolescence; pre·adult; pre·agonal; pre·am·bu·lar; pre·am·bu·late; pre·amp; pre·amplifier; pre·animism; pre·apprehension; pre·arrange;… … English syllables
pre-established harmony — The divinely established relation, according to Leibniz, between body and mind, with the movements of monads and the succession of ideas being in constant agreement like two clocks • • • Main Entry: ↑harmony pre established harmony see under… … Useful english dictionary
Pre-dreadnought battleship — is the general term for all of the types of sea going battleships built between the mid 1890s and 1905. Pre dreadnoughts replaced the ironclad warships of the 1870s and 1880s. Built from steel, and protected by hardened steel armour, pre… … Wikipedia
Pre-Adamite — hypothesis or Preadamism is the religious belief that humans existed before Adam, the first human being named in the Bible. This belief has a long history, probably having its origins in early pagan responses to Abrahamic claims regarding the… … Wikipedia
Pre-school learning alliance — is a leading early years charityand the largest voluntary sector provider of quality, affordable childcare for young children in England.The Alliance offers professional and practical support to over 15,000 early years settings and nearly 800,000 … Wikipedia
Pre-Romanesque art and architecture — is the period in Western European art from either the emergence of the Merovingian kingdom in about 500 or from the Carolingian Renaissance in the late 8th century, to the beginning of the 11th century Romanesque period. The term is generally… … Wikipedia
Pre-1773 History of the Jesuits — Society of Jesus, History of the (Before 1773) † Catholic Encyclopedia ► History of the Jesuits Before the 1773 Suppression Italy The history of the Jesuits in Italy was generally very peaceful. The only serious disturbances were… … Catholic encyclopedia
pre|des|ti|nate — «verb. pree DEHS tuh nayt; adjective. pree DEHS tuh niht, nayt», verb, nat|ed, nat|ing, adjective. –v.t. 1. to decree or ordain beforehand. 2. Theology. to foreordain by divine purpose. –adj. Archaic. predestined. ╂[< Latin praedēstināre … Useful english dictionary