pray without one's beads

pray without one's beads

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pray without one's beads" в других словарях:

  • Prayer beads — are traditionally used to keep count of the repetitions of prayers, chants or devotions by adherents of religion. Since the beads can be fingered in an automatic manner, they allow one to keep track of how many prayers have been said with a… …   Wikipedia

  • Rosary — This article is about the Catholic Marian devotion. For other forms of the Christian rosary, see Rosary based prayers. For prayer beads in other religions, see Prayer beads. Roman Catholic Mariology A series of articles on Rosary Blesse …   Wikipedia

  • Prayer rope — Eastern Orthodox prayer rope of 50 knots and 5 wooden beads. A prayer rope (Greek: κομποσκοίνι, Russian: чётки, Romanian: mătănii, Macedonian and Serbian: бројаница / brojanica, Bulgarian: броеница) is a loop made up of complex knots, usually out …   Wikipedia

  • Jesus Prayer — The Jesus Prayer, also called the Prayer of the Heart, is a short, formulaic prayer often uttered repeatedly. It has been widely used, taught and discussed throughout the history of the Eastern Orthodox Church. The exact words of the prayer have… …   Wikipedia

  • The Rosary —     The Rosary     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Rosary     I. IN THE WESTERN CHURCH      The Rosary , says the Roman Breviary, is a certain form of prayer wherein we say fifteen decades or tens of Hail Marys with an Our Father between each ten,… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • religion — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) System of faith Nouns 1. religion, faith; theology, isagogics, divinity, deism, theism, monotheism, ditheism, polytheism, pantheism; liberation theology; scientific creationism; hagiology; belief, truth …   English dictionary for students

  • Africa — • This name, which is of Phoenician origin, was at first given by the Romans to the territory about the city of Carthage Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Africa     Africa      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Meditation — This article is about the mental discipline. For the form of alternative dispute resolution, see Mediation. For other uses, see Meditation (disambiguation). A statue of the Buddha meditating, Borim Temple, Korea Meditation refers to any form of a …   Wikipedia

  • Prayers for the Dead — • Catholic teaching regarding prayers for the dead is bound up inseparably with the doctrine of purgatory and the more general doctrine of the communion of the saints, which is an article of the Apostle s Creed Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Europe, history of — Introduction       history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… …   Universalium

  • WOMAN — This article is arranged according to the following outline: the historical perspective biblical period marriage and children women in household life economic roles educational and managerial roles religious roles women outside the household… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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