- prandial
- ˈprændɪəl прил.;
шутл. обеденный prandial invitation ≈ приглашение на обед Syn : dinner, lunch (возвышенно) обеденный - * invitation приглашение на обед prandial шутл. обеденный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
prandial — PRANDIÁL, Ă, prandiali, e, adj. (Rar) Referitor la masa de prânz. [pr.: di al] – Din fr. prandial. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 05.04.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 prandiál adj. m. (sil. di al), pl. prandiáli; f. sg … Dicționar Român
prandial — ● prandial, prandiale, prandiaux adjectif (latin prandium, repas) Relatif aux repas. ⇒PRANDIAL, ALE, AUX, adj. MÉD. Relatif aux repas. Diarrhée prandiale. (Dict.XXes.). REM. Post prandial, ale, aux, adj. Qui se produit après le repas. Ces crampes … Encyclopédie Universelle
prandial — relativo a las comidas o que ocurre como un efecto de las mismas, Por ejemplo, la hiperglucemia posprandial Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010. prandial Perteneciente a una comida. El término se utiliza con … Diccionario médico
Prandial — Pran di*al, a. [L. prandium a repast.] Of or pertaining to a repast, especially to dinner. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
prandial — (adj.) pertaining to dinner, 1820, from L. prandium late breakfast, luncheon (see POSTPRANDIAL (Cf. postprandial)). OED reports it as affected or jocose … Etymology dictionary
prandial — adj. 2 g. Relativo às refeições. ‣ Etimologia: prândio + al … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
prandial — [pran′dē əl] adj. [< L prandium, late breakfast, luncheon < * pram , early (prob. < IE * pṛm < base * per, beyond > FIRST, FROM) + * ed , base of edere, to EAT + AL] of a meal, esp. dinner … English World dictionary
Prandial — Of or relating to a meal. Prandial pain is pain while eating. Although medical terms usually have a reasonably logical derivation, this is not the case with prandial. It comes from the Latin prandium which meant a late breakfast or lunch.… … Medical dictionary
prandial — adjective Etymology: Latin prandium late breakfast, luncheon Date: 1820 of or relating to a meal … New Collegiate Dictionary
prandial — prandially, adv. /pran dee euhl/, adj. of or pertaining to a meal, esp. dinner. [1810 20; < L prandi(um) luncheon, meal + AL1] * * * … Universalium
prandial — adjective /ˈprændɪəl/ of or pertaining to a meal, especially dinner See Also: jentacular … Wiktionary