
1. сущ.
1) скачок;
вставание на дыбы
2) а) горделивая походка б) надменная манера (держаться)
2. гл.
1) а) становиться на дыбы б) поднимать (лошадь) на дыбы в) перен.;
разг. танцевать;
прыгать, скакать;
резвиться Young horses were prancing about in the field. ≈ На поле резвились жеребята. Will you stop prancing about and get back into bed! ≈ Кончай тут прыгать и иди в кровать!
2) гарцевать (на лошади) Syn : caracole
3) ходить с важным, напыщенным видом Syn : strut скачок курбет важная, горделивая походка;
надменная манера (держаться) становиться на дыбы;
делать курбет поднять лошадь на дыбы гарцевать ходить с важным, надменным видом;
ходить гоголем;
задаваться (разговорное) танцевать, скакать, выделывать ногами кренделя;
резвиться prance гордая походка ~ надменная манера (держаться) ~ скачок ~ становиться на дыбы, гарцевать ~ разг. танцевать;
прыгать ~ ходить гоголем, важничать, задаваться

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "prance" в других словарях:

  • prance — [pra:ns US præns] v [I] 1.) [always + adverb/preposition] to walk or dance with high steps or large movements, especially in a confident way prance around ▪ We used to prance around our bedroom pretending to be pop stars. 2.) if a horse prances,… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Prance — (pr[.a]ns), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Pranced}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Prancing}.] [OE. prauncen; probably akin to prank, v. t. See Prank.] 1. To spring or bound, as a horse in high mettle. [1913 Webster] Now rule thy prancing steed. Gay. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • prance — [prans, präns] vi. pranced, prancing [ME prauncen < ?] 1. to rise up on the hind legs in a lively way, esp. while moving along: said of a horse 2. to ride on a prancing horse 3. to move about in a way suggestive of a prancing horse; caper 4.… …   English World dictionary

  • prance — [ præns ] verb intransitive to walk or move in a lively confident way that may seem silly or annoying to other people: He made a fool of himself, prancing around on stage like that. a. if a horse prances, it walks with lively steps, raising its… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • prance — (v.) late 14c., originally of horses, perhaps related to M.E. pranken to show off, from M.Du. pronken to strut, parade (see PRANK (Cf. prank)); or perhaps from Danish dialectal prandse to go in a stately manner. Related: Pranced; prancing …   Etymology dictionary

  • prance — [v] cavort; show off bound, caper, dance, flounce, foot it*, frisk, gambol, hoof it*, jump, leap, mince, parade, romp, sashay, skip, spring, stalk, step, strut, swagger, sweep, tread; concepts 150,292,384 …   New thesaurus

  • prance — ► VERB 1) (of a horse) move with high springy steps. 2) walk with ostentatious, exaggerated movements. ► NOUN ▪ an act of prancing. ORIGIN of unknown origin …   English terms dictionary

  • prance — ol·i·prance; prance·ful; prance; …   English syllables

  • prance — v. (P; intr.) to prance around the room * * * [prɔːns] (P; intr.) to prance around the room …   Combinatory dictionary

  • prance — UK [prɑːns] / US [præns] verb [intransitive] Word forms prance : present tense I/you/we/they prance he/she/it prances present participle prancing past tense pranced past participle pranced a) to walk or move in a lively confident way that may… …   English dictionary

  • prance — I. verb (pranced; prancing) Etymology: Middle English prauncen Date: 14th century intransitive verb 1. to spring from the hind legs or move by so doing 2. to ride on a prancing horse 3. to walk or move in a spirited manner ; strut; …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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