Смотреть что такое "praepostor" в других словарях:
Praepostor — (sometimes spelt Praepositor) is now used chiefly at English independent schools, such as Rugby and Uppingham, and at other schools such as the former Derby School which began as grammar schools for the teaching of Latin grammar. It is the… … Wikipedia
praepostor — praepostorial /pree po stawr ee euhl, stohr /, adj. /pree pos teuhr/, n. a senior student at an English public school who is given authority over other students. Also, prepositor, prepostor. [1510 20; < ML praepositor. See PRAE , POSIT, TOR] * *… … Universalium
praepostor — noun a prefect in some public schools … Wiktionary
praepostor — [prɪ pɒstə] (also prepostor) noun Brit. (at some public schools) a prefect or monitor. Origin C18: from praepositor, alt. of L. praepositus head, chief … English new terms dictionary
praepostor — prae·pos·tor … English syllables
praepostor — n. (also prepostor) Brit. (at some public schools) a prefect or monitor. Etymology: praepositor alt. f. L praepositus past part. of praeponere set over (as PRAE , ponere posit place) … Useful english dictionary
prepostor — var. of PRAEPOSTOR. * * * or prepositor variant of praepostor * * * prepostor variant of præpostor … Useful english dictionary
Eton College — For the school in Canada, see Eton College (Vancouver, British Columbia). Eton College Location Windsor Berkshire SL4 6DW Eton … Wikipedia
prepositor — /pree poz i teuhr/, n. praepostor. Also, prepostor /pree pos teuhr/. * * * … Universalium
Old Cliftonian Society — The Old Cliftonian Society (OCS) is the society for the alumni of Clifton College whether pupils or staff. The OCS organises regular reunions at the school and publishes a regular newsletter for alumni. Founded in 1862 as a school for boys,… … Wikipedia
auditor — Synonyms and related words: Big Brother, CA, CPA, accepter, accountant, accountant general, acquirer, actuary, addressee, audience, audient, autodidact, bank accountant, bank examiner, beholder, boatswain, bookkeeper, boss, bursar, calculator,… … Moby Thesaurus