practise deception
Смотреть что такое "practise deception" в других словарях:
deception — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ cruel ▪ elaborate ▪ His elaborate deception fooled everyone. ▪ deliberate, intentional ▪ outright … Collocations dictionary
hocus-pocus — /hoʊkəs ˈpoʊkəs / (say hohkuhs pohkuhs) interjection 1. (a formula used in conjuring or incantations.) –noun 2. a juggler s trick; sleight of hand. 3. trickery or deception. 4. unnecessary mystification or elaboration extended to cover deception… …
Rosh Hashanah (Talmud) — Rosh Hashanah ( he. ראש השנה) is the name of a text of Jewish law originating in the Mishnah which formed the basis of tractates in both the Babylonian Talmud and the Jerusalem Talmud of the same name. It is the eighth tractate of the order Moed … Wikipedia
dissimulate — verb a) To practise deception by concealment or omission or by feigning a false appearance. But now, as he paced alone in his apartment, now that he was not upon exhibition, now when there was no eye to behold him, and there was no reason to… … Wiktionary
Finagle — 1. practise deception or fraud; 2. trick or cheat (a person); 3. wangle: finagle free tickets … Dictionary of Australian slang
finagle — Australian Slang 1. practise deception or fraud; 2. trick or cheat (a person); 3. wangle: finagle free tickets … English dialects glossary
finagle — /fəˈneɪgəl/ (say fuh nayguhl) verb (finagled, finagling) Colloquial –verb (i) 1. to practise deception or fraud. –verb (t) 2. to trick or cheat (a person). 3. to get (something) by guile or trickery; wangle: to finagle free tickets. {variant of… …
swiftie — /ˈswɪfti / (say swiftee) Colloquial –noun 1. an unfair act; a deceitful practice. –phrase 2. pull (or put over) a swiftie, to hoodwink; practise deception. Also, swifty …
impose — v. 1 tr. (often foll. by on, upon) require (a tax, duty, charge, or obligation) to be paid or undertaken (by a person etc.). 2 tr. enforce compliance with. 3 intr. & refl. (foll. by on, upon, or absol.) demand the attention or commitment of (a… … Useful english dictionary
spruce — 1. adj. & v. adj. neat in dress and appearance; trim, smart. & intr. (also refl.; usu. foll. by up) make or become smart. Derivatives: sprucely adv. spruceness n. Etymology: perh. f. SPRUCE(2) in obs. sense Prussian , in the collocation… … Useful english dictionary
cheat — I. v. a. Defraud, trick, deceive, dupe, gull, overreach, jockey, cozen, chouse, outwit, bamboozle, circumvent, delude, hoodwink, beguile, mislead, cajole, inveigle, gammon, impose upon, take in, swindle, victimize, practise on, entrap, ensnare,… … New dictionary of synonyms