practices — prac·tice || præktɪs n. customary action, habit; drill, repetition of an activity for the sake of improving performance, training exercise v. exercise, train, drill; repeat an activity several times in order to improve performance; observe,… … English contemporary dictionary
Trade Practices Act 1974 — The Trade Practices Act 1974 is an act of the Parliament of Australia. The act provides for protection of consumers and prevents some restrictive trade practices of companies. It is the key antitrust law in Australia. It is administered by the… … Wikipedia
Jewish beliefs and practices in the reform movement — Jewish beliefs and practices have undergone dynamic changes and innovations in the reform movement of Judaism, known also as Progressive, Reform or Liberal Judaism. Due to its origins in Enlightenment era Germany, the reform movement has eyed… … Wikipedia
Destructive fishing practices — The phrase destructive fishing practices (or DFPs) has been featured in international fisheries literature for around three decades. No widely accepted definition of the phrase exists, and this will almost certainly remain the situation, given… … Wikipedia
Standards & Practices — In the United States, Standards and Practices (also referred to as Broadcast Standards and Practices or BS P) is the name traditionally given to the department at a television network which is responsible for the moral , ethical, and legal… … Wikipedia
Corrupt practices — United Kingdom This article is part of the series: Politics and government of the United Kingdom … Wikipedia
Directive 2005/29/EC The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive — Directive 2005/29/EC, [Official Journal of the European Union, L149/22 L149/39, 11th June 2005] the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, is a major reform of the law concerning unfair business practices in the European Union. Like any European… … Wikipedia
Good Agricultural Practices — The term Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) can refer to any collection of specific methods, which when applied to agriculture, produce results that are in harmony with the values of the proponents of those practices. There are numerous competing… … Wikipedia
Beliefs and practices of Jehovah's Witnesses — The beliefs and practices of Jehovah s Witnesses are based on the Bible teachings of its founder, Charles Taze Russell and his successors, Joseph Franklin Rutherford and Nathan Homer Knorr. Since about 1976 they have also been based on decisions… … Wikipedia
Spanish practices — The terms Spanish practices or old Spanish customs are United Kingdom expressions that refer to irregular or restrictive practices in workers interests. Typically, these are arrangements that have been negotiated in the past between employers and … Wikipedia
Unfair business practices — encompass fraud, misrepresentation, and oppressive or unconscionable acts or practices by business, often against consumers and are prohibited by law in many countries. For instance, in the European Union, each member state must regulate unfair… … Wikipedia