practical method

practical method
практичный метод

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "practical method" в других словарях:

  • practical method — praktinis metodas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Tiesioginio technikos veiksmų ir jų derinių mokymosi ir tobulinimo, sportininko fizinių ypatybių lavinimo būdas. atitikmenys: angl. practical method vok. praktische Methode, f …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • Method (music) — In music, a method is a kind of textbook for a specified musical instrument or a selected problem of playing a certain instrument. A method usually contains fingering charts or tablatures, etc., scales and numerous different exercises, sometimes… …   Wikipedia

  • practical — /ˈpræktɪkəl / (say praktikuhl) adjective 1. relating to practice or action: practical mathematics. 2. consisting of, involving, or resulting from practice or action: a practical application of a rule. 3. relating to or connected with the ordinary …  

  • Practical Aesthetics — is an acting technique originally conceived by David Mamet and William H. Macy, based on the teachings of Stanislavsky, Sanford Meisner, and the Stoic Philosopher Epictetus.Lehmann Haupt, Christopher (October 23, 1997). A Dramatist s How To Guide …   Wikipedia

  • Method acting — is a phrase that loosely refers to a family of techniques used by actors to create in themselves the thoughts and emotions of their characters, so as to develop lifelike performances. It can be contrasted with more classical forms of acting, in… …   Wikipedia

  • practical construction — prac·ti·cal construction n 1: the interpretation of the terms of a contract as shown by the performance of the parties that may be used by the court to help determine the intent of the parties; also: the doctrine that permits such a method of… …   Law dictionary

  • Method of complements — Complement numbers on an adding machine c. 1910 In mathematics and computing, the method of complements is a technique used to subtract one number from another using only addition of positive numbers. This method was commonly used in mechanical… …   Wikipedia

  • practical, practicable — A simple method of learning to distinguish the meanings of these words is to turn to the entry impractical and reverse the meanings of the terms involved. When applied to persons, practical means realistic, sensible, efficient ; as relating to… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • Practical number — In mathematics, and in particular number theory, a practical number or panarithmic number is a positive integer n such that all smaller positive integers can be represented as sums of distinct divisors of n . For example, 12 is a practical number …   Wikipedia

  • Practical reason — In philosophy, practical reason is the use of reason to decide how to act. This contrasts with theoretical reason (often called speculative reason), which is the use of reason to decide what to believe. For example: agents use practical reason to …   Wikipedia

  • Method engineering — Not to be confused with Methods engineering, a subspecialty of Industrial engineering Example of a Method Engineering Process. This figure provides a process oriented view of the approach used to develop prototype IDEF9 method concepts, a… …   Wikipedia

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