pozzolanic admixture

pozzolanic admixture
пуццолановая добавка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pozzolanic admixture" в других словарях:

  • pozzolanic — /pot seuh lan ik, lah nik/, adj. (of a cement admixture) having properties similar to those of pozzolana. Also, pozzuolanic /pot sweuh lah nik/. [1925 30; POZZOLAN(A) + IC] * * * …   Universalium

  • Concrete — This article is about the construction material. For other uses, see Concrete (disambiguation). Outer view of the Roman Pantheon, still the largest unreinforced solid concrete dome.[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Fly ash — Photomicrograph made with a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM): Fly ash particles at 2,000x magnification Fly ash is one of the residues generated in combustion, and comprises the fine particles that rise with the flue gases. Ash which does not… …   Wikipedia

  • Vicon — Cement VICON or high performance cement can be made to order: from super strong cements with rugged durability to low cost cements with up to 70% mineral additives. To use a high volume of mineral additives (sand, limestone, natural pozzolans or… …   Wikipedia

  • Metakaolin — is a dehydroxylated form of the clay mineral kaolinite. Rocks that are rich in kaolinite are known as china clay or kaolin, traditionally used in the manufacture of porcelain. The particle size of metakaolin is smaller than cement particles, but… …   Wikipedia

  • Pozzolan — A pozzolan is a material which, when combined with calcium hydroxide, exhibits cementitious properties. Pozzolans are commonly used as an addition (the technical term is admixture ) to Portland cement concrete mixtures to increase the long term… …   Wikipedia

  • RHA — is an abbreviation for:* Regional health Authority * Religious Heritage of America * Residence Hall Association * Rice Husk Ash, a by product from rice culture very rich in amorphous silica and used as cement admixture (filler and pozzolanic… …   Wikipedia

  • Plasticizer — Plasticizers are additives that increase the plasticity or fluidity of the material to which they are added, these include plastics, cement, concrete, wallboard and clay bodies. Although the same compounds are often used for both plastics and… …   Wikipedia

  • concrete — concretely, adv. concreteness, n. concretive, adj. concretively, adv. /kon kreet, kong , kon kreet , kong / for 1 10, 11, 14, 15; /kon kreet , kong / for 12, 13, adj., n., v., concreted, concreting. adj. 1. constituting an actual thing or… …   Universalium

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