Смотреть что такое "power-equivalent" в других словарях:
Equivalent Radiated Power — Die Effektive Strahlungsleistung (auch effektiv abgestrahlte Leistung, engl. effective radiated power, ERP oder auch e.r.p.) ist das Produkt der in eine Sendeantenne eingespeisten Leistung multipliziert mit deren Antennengewinn (relativ zu einem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Equivalent — E*quiv a*lent ([ e]*kw[i^]v [.a]*lent), a. [L. aequivalens, entis, p. pr. of aequivalere to have equal power; aequus equal + valere to be strong, be worth: cf. F. [ e]quivalent. See {Equal}, and {Valiant}.] 1. Equal in worth or value, force,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Equivalent — E*quiv a*lent ([ e]*kw[i^]v [.a]*lent), n. 1. Something equivalent; that which is equal in value, worth, weight, or force; as, to offer an equivalent for damage done. [1913 Webster] He owned that, if the Test Act were repealed, the Protestants… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Power pro — is a type of fishing line made out of a material called Spectra fibers. It has an equivalent diameter of nearly 1/5 of monofilament. Thus the diameter of a piece of Power Pro testing at 50 pounds is equivalent to monofilaments diameter testing at … Wikipedia
Power line communication — or power line carrier (PLC), also known as power line digital subscriber line (PDSL), mains communication, power line telecom (PLT), power line networking (PLN), or broadband over power lines (BPL) are systems for carrying data on a conductor… … Wikipedia
equivalent — eq·uiv·a·lent n: something that performs substantially the same function as another thing in substantially the same way compare aggregation, combination, invention ◇ Under patent law, a patentee may bring a claim for infringement against the… … Law dictionary
Power optimization (EDA) — Power optimization refers to the use of electronic design automation tools to optimize (reduce) the power consumption of a digital design, while preserving the functionality.Introduction and historyThe increasing speed and complexity of today’s… … Wikipedia
Power Rangers : La Force du temps — Power Rangers: La Force du Temps Titre original Power Rangers: Time Force Genre Action Aventure sentai Création Haim Saban Toei Company Pays … Wikipédia en Français
Power therapies — (also known as alphabet therapies) is a term coined by professor Charles Figley, Florida State University Traumatology Institute, to group several novel treatments of post traumatic stress. Figley aimed identify the active ingredients of these… … Wikipedia
Power rangers : la force du temps — Power Rangers : La Force du temps est l édition 2001 (aux États Unis) de la série télévisée américaine pour enfants Power Rangers qui est une adaptation américaine de sentais japonais. Depuis 2001, la série télévisée Power Rangers est la… … Wikipédia en Français
Equivalent series resistance — (ESR) is an effective resistance that is used to describe the resistive parts of the impedance of certain electrical components. Overview The theoretical treatment of devices such as capacitors and inductors tends to assume they are ideal or… … Wikipedia