- power take-off
- отбор мощности (техническое) отбор мощности (техническое) вал отбора мощности
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Power take-off — A power take off (PTO) is a splined driveshaft, usually on a tractor or that can be used to provide power to an attachment or separate machine. It is designed to be easily connected and disconnected. The power take off allows implements to draw… … Wikipedia
power take-off — noun : a supplementary mechanism on a truck or tractor enabling the engine power to be used to operate nonautomotive apparatus (as winches, pumps, saws, cement mixers) * * * power take off noun A device for transferring power from an engine to… … Useful english dictionary
power take off — PTO (power takeoff) part of a tractor s machinery that provides electrical power to additional equipment … English contemporary dictionary
power take-off — noun Date: 1929 a supplementary mechanism (as on a tractor) enabling the engine power to be used to operate nonautomotive apparatus (as a pump or saw) … New Collegiate Dictionary
power take-off — /paʊə ˈteɪk ɒf/ (say powuh tayk of) noun a supplementary mechanism on a truck or tractor which enables the engine power to be used to operate non automotive apparatus, as winches, pumps, saws, cement mixers, etc …
power take off — (PTO) The end of the crank (usually on the other side from the magneto or starter) where the motion of the crank is transferred to the transmission or power output … Dictionary of automotive terms
take off — See power take off … Dictionary of automotive terms
Assisted take off — is any system for helping aircraft into the air (as opposed to strictly under its own power). The reason it might be needed is due to the aircraft s weight exceeding the normal maximum take off weight, insufficient power, or the available runway… … Wikipedia
assisted take-off — noun A take off in which the full power of an aircraft s normal engines is supplemented by eg turbojet, rocket motor units, or liquid rockets • • • Main Entry: ↑assist … Useful english dictionary
Constant Torque On Take-off — (CTOT) assists a pilot in setting take off power by electronically adjusting fuel to maintain a pre selected torque. Power levers can override the CTOT system and add additional fuel. The CTOT system will come on when the power levers are above… … Wikipedia
Vertical Take-Off and Landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle — VUAVs verwenden VTOL Konzepte, wie z. B. die Quadrocopterauslegung beim AirRobot AR 100B Vertical Take Off and Landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, zu deutsch Senkrecht Startende und Landende Unbemannte Gefährte, abgekürzt VTOL UAV, seltener VUAV… … Deutsch Wikipedia