- power politics
- политика с позиции силы
политика с позиции силы;
(внешняя) политика, основанная на военной мощи и на угрозе применения силы
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Power politics — Power politics, or Machtpolitik (borrowed from German), is a state of international relations in which sovereigns protect their own interests by threatening one another with military, economic, or political aggression. The term was coined in… … Wikipedia
power politics — n. 1. political activity, as by an officeholder, characterized by the use of power, influence, etc., usually in ways regarded as somewhat unethical, to effect a desired result 2. international political relations in which each nation attempts to… … English World dictionary
power politics — power .politics n [U] when a country or person attempts to get power and influence by using or threatening to use force or other actions, especially against another country … Dictionary of contemporary English
power politics — power ,politics noun plural attempts by different groups, parties, or countries to control a political situation … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
power politics — noun diplomacy in which the nations threaten to use force in order to obtain their objectives • Syn: ↑gunboat diplomacy • Hypernyms: ↑diplomacy, ↑diplomatic negotiations * * * noun [noncount] : politics based on the use of military or economic… … Useful english dictionary
power politics — noun (U) the use or threat of armed force in international politics: mere pawns in a game of international power politics … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
power politics — noun plural but singular or plural in construction Date: 1926 politics based primarily on the use of power (as military and economic strength) as a coercive force rather than on ethical precepts … New Collegiate Dictionary
power politics — noun Politics with power … Wiktionary
power politics — pow′er pol′itics n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) gov international politics characterized by the use or threatened use of military or economic power as a means of coercion • Etymology: 1935–40 … From formal English to slang
power politics — 1. political action characterized by the exercise or pursuit of power as a means of coercion. 2. international diplomacy based on the use or threatened use of military or economic power. [1935 40] * * * … Universalium
power politics — /paʊə ˈpɒlətɪks/ (say powuh poluhtiks) noun international diplomacy based on the use, or threatened use, of military power …