power penetration

power penetration
силовое заглубление

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "power penetration" в других словарях:

  • penetration power — skverbties geba statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. penetrating power; penetration power vok. Durchdringungsvermögen, n; Eindringvermögen, n rus. проникающая способность, f; проницательная способность, f pranc. pouvoir de pénétration, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Penetration depth — is a measure of how deep light or any electromagnetic radiation can penetrate into a material. It is defined as the depth at which the intensity of the radiation inside the material falls to 1/e (about 37%) of its original value at (or more… …   Wikipedia

  • penetration — [pen΄i trā′shən] n. [LL penetratio] 1. a) the act, power, or an instance of penetrating b) the act or an instance of inserting the penis into the vagina or anus 2. the depth to which something penetrates, as a military force into enemy territory… …   English World dictionary

  • penetration — /pen i tray sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or power of penetrating. 2. mental acuteness, discernment, or insight: a scholar of rare penetration. 3. the obtaining of a share of a market for some commodity or service. 4. the extension, usually peaceful, of …   Universalium

  • penetration — noun Date: 1605 1. a. the power to penetrate; especially the ability to discern deeply and acutely b. the depth to which something penetrates c. the extent to which a commercial product or agency is familiar or sells in a market 2. the act or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • penetration — I (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Act of entering] Syn. insertion, invasion, boring into, perforation, thrusting, stabbing, punching, forcing, infiltration, seepage, ingress, diffusion, sticking into, driving into, osmosis, piercing; see also entrance 1 .… …   English dictionary for students

  • penetration — pen•e•tra•tion [[t]ˌpɛn ɪˈtreɪ ʃən[/t]] n. 1) the act or power of penetrating 2) mental acuteness; discernment 3) bus the obtaining of a share of a market for some commodity or service 4) the extension of influence into the affairs of another… …   From formal English to slang

  • penetration — /pɛnəˈtreɪʃən/ (say penuh trayshuhn) noun 1. the act or power of penetrating. 2. the extension, usually peaceful, of the influence of one country on the life of another. 3. mental acuteness, discernment, or insight. 4. Firearms the depth to which …  

  • Intermittent power source — [ Erie Shores Wind Farm monthly output over a two year period] An intermittent power source is a source of electric power generation that may be uncontrollably variable or more intermittent than conventional power sources, and therefore non… …   Wikipedia

  • Wind power — Wind power: worldwide installed capacity [1] …   Wikipedia

  • Wind power forecasting — A wind power forecast corresponds to an estimate of the expected production of one or more wind turbines (referred to as a wind farm) in the near future. By production is often meant available power for wind farm considered (with units kW or MW… …   Wikipedia

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