power of test
Смотреть что такое "power of test" в других словарях:
Kepler-Power-Robinson-Test — Kẹpler Power Ro̱binson Test [...pa̲u̲er...; nach den amer. Ärzten E.Kepler Power Robinson TestJ. Kepler (1894 bis 1949), M.Kepler Power Robinson TestH. Power (geb. 1894) und F.Kepler Power Robinson TestJ. Robinson (20.Kepler Power Robinson… … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Power-off testing — is often necessary to test the printed circuit assembly (PCA) board due to uncertainty as to the nature of the failure. When the PCA can be further damaged by applying power it is necessary to use power off test techniques to safely examine it.… … Wikipedia
Test probe — Typical passive oscilloscope probe being used for testing an integrated circuit. A test probe (test lead, test prod, or scope probe) is a physical device used to connect electronic test equipment to the device under test (DUT). They range from… … Wikipedia
Power-on self-test — (POST) is the common term for a computer, router or printer s pre boot sequence. The same basic sequence is present on all computer architectures. It is the first step of the more general process called initial program load (IPL), booting, or… … Wikipedia
Test and tagging — is a generic name given to the process of visually inspecting and electrically testing in service electrical equipment for personal use and/or safety. Colloquially, it is also referred to as; tagging, test tag, test and tag, electrical tagging,… … Wikipedia
Power — (englisch für Kraft, Macht, Energie) oder Teststärke beschreibt in der Statistik die Aussagekraft eines statistischen Tests. Die Teststärke gibt an, mit welcher Wahrscheinlichkeit ein Signifikanztest zugunsten einer spezifischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Power Instinct — Genres Fighting game Developers Atlus, Noise Factory Publishers Atlus Platforms Arcade … Wikipedia
Power-On-Self-Test — Le Power on self test (POST, l auto test au démarrage) désigne la première étape du processus plus général appelé amorçage. Lors de cette étape, le programme intégré à la carte mère (le BIOS pour Basic Input/Output System ) teste la présence des… … Wikipédia en Français
Power-on self-test — Le Power on self test (POST, l auto test au démarrage) désigne la première étape du processus plus général appelé amorçage. Lors de cette étape, le programme intégré à la carte mère (le BIOS pour Basic Input/Output System ) teste la présence des… … Wikipédia en Français
Test Card W — is a test card, an image used to determine the quality of a broadcast television picture. It is an updated 16:9 (1.78:1) widescreen version of Test Card F, which was created by BBC engineer George Hersee. Test Card W is similar to Test Card J,… … Wikipedia
Power systems CAD — refers to computer aided design (CAD) software tools that are used to design and simulate complex electrical power systems. Such power systems are typically found in mission critical facilities such as computer data centers, network operations… … Wikipedia