power loss
Смотреть что такое "power loss" в других словарях:
power loss — galios nuostoliai statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. loss of power; power loss vok. Leistungsverluste, m rus. потери мощности, f pranc. pertes de puissance, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Power loss — The difference between electricity input and output as a result of an energy transfer between two points. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary … Energy terms
Restore On AC Power Loss — Return On AC Power Loss ist eine BIOS Option IBM kompatibler Personal Computer (PC) Alternative Bezeichnungen Je nach BIOS und Motherboard Hersteller sind u. a. folgenden Bezeichnungen gebräuchlich: Restore On AC Power Loss AC (Auto) Power… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Return On AC Power Loss — ist eine BIOS Option IBM kompatibler Personal Computer (PC) Alternative Bezeichnungen Je nach BIOS und Motherboard Hersteller sind u. a. folgenden Bezeichnungen gebräuchlich: Restore On AC Power Loss AC (Auto) Power Recovery AC Power On After… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Purchasing Power Loss/Gain — An increase or decrease in how much consumers can buy with a given amount of money. Consumers lose purchasing power when prices increase, and gain purchasing power when prices decrease. Causes of purchasing power loss include government… … Investment dictionary
Power engineering — Power engineering, also called power systems engineering, is a subfield of electrical engineering that deals with the generation, transmission and distribution of electric power as well as the electrical devices connected to such systems… … Wikipedia
Loss — may refer to:*A negative difference between retail price and cost of production *An event in which the team or individual in question did not win. *Loss (baseball), a pitching statistic in baseball *Attenuation, a reduction in amplitude and… … Wikipedia
profile-drag power loss — That portion of power expended in overcoming the total profile drag of propeller blades … Aviation dictionary
Loss tangent — The loss tangent is a parameter of a dielectric material that quantifies its inherent dissipation of electromagnetic energy. The term refers to the tangent of the angle in a complex plane between the resistive (lossy) component of an… … Wikipedia
Power outage — A power outage (also known as power cut , power failure , power loss , or blackout ) is the loss of the electricity supply to an area.The reasons for a power failure can for instance be a defect in a power station, damage to a power line or other … Wikipedia
loss of power — galios nuostoliai statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. loss of power; power loss vok. Leistungsverluste, m rus. потери мощности, f pranc. pertes de puissance, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas