Смотреть что такое "powderlike" в других словарях:
powderlike — adjective see powder II … New Collegiate Dictionary
powderlike — adjective Resembling powder. Syn: dustlike, powdery … Wiktionary
Coccus adonidum — mealybug meal y*bug , mealy bug mealy bug (m[=e]l [y^]*b[u^]g ), n. (Zo[ o]l.), Any of several homopteran scale insects (as, {Coccus adonidum}, and related species of the families {Pseudococcidae} and {Eriococcidae}), that cover themselves with a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mealy bug — mealybug meal y*bug , mealy bug mealy bug (m[=e]l [y^]*b[u^]g ), n. (Zo[ o]l.), Any of several homopteran scale insects (as, {Coccus adonidum}, and related species of the families {Pseudococcidae} and {Eriococcidae}), that cover themselves with a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mealybug — meal y*bug , mealy bug mealy bug (m[=e]l [y^]*b[u^]g ), n. (Zo[ o]l.), Any of several homopteran scale insects (as, {Coccus adonidum}, and related species of the families {Pseudococcidae} and {Eriococcidae}), that cover themselves with a white… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
powder — I. verb (powdered; powdering) Date: 13th century transitive verb 1. to sprinkle or cover with or as if with powder 2. to reduce or convert to powder 3. to hit very hard intransitive verb 1. to become powder 2. to apply cosme … New Collegiate Dictionary
H.E.D.Z. — H.E.D.Z. or Head Extreme Destruction Zone is a PC game made by Hasbro Interactive for Windows in the action/adventure genre. The player, whose character is an alien, selects heads (five starters, hundreds throughout the game) and goes on a preset … Wikipedia
California gold fern — an evergreen fern, Pityrogramma triangularis, growing from British Columbia to California, having the underside of the leaves covered with a deep yellow, powderlike substance. * * * … Universalium
powdery mildew — 1. any of various parasitic fungi of the ascomycete order Erysiphales, which produce a powderlike film of mycelium on the surface of host plants. 2. Plant Pathol. a disease caused by powdery mildew, characterized by yellowing and death of the… … Universalium
environmental works — ▪ civil engineering Introduction infrastructure that provides cities and towns with water supply, waste disposal, and pollution control services. They include extensive networks of reservoirs, pipelines, treatment systems, pumping stations … Universalium
powdery mildew — pow′dery mil′dew n. 1) fng any of various fungi of the ascomycete order Erysiphales that produce a powderlike film of mycelium on the surface of host plants 2) ppa the plant disease caused by powdery mildew • Etymology: 1885–90, amer … From formal English to slang