Смотреть что такое "potherbs" в других словарях:
potherbs spinach — daržinis špinatas statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Vienametis, žolinis balandinių (Chenopodiaceae) šeimos augalas, greitai auganti lapinė ir vaistinė daržovė, priskiriama dietinių daržovių grupei. Dauginamas sėklomis. Vartojami žali ar … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas
potherbs — n. herb used as food or as a seasoning … English contemporary dictionary
Leaf vegetable — Fresh Swiss chard Fresh water spinach … Wikipedia
caper — caper1 caperer, n. caperingly, adv. /kay peuhr/, v.i. 1. to leap or skip about in a sprightly manner; prance; frisk; gambol. n. 2. a playful leap or skip. 3. a prank or trick; harebrained escapade. 4. a frivolous, carefree episode or activity. 5 … Universalium
pokeweed — noun Date: 1751 a coarse American perennial herb (Phytolacca americana of the family Phytolaccaceae, the pokeweed family) with racemose white flowers, dark purple juicy berries, a poisonous root, and young shoots sometimes used as potherbs … New Collegiate Dictionary
dock — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English docce; akin to Middle Dutch docke dock Date: before 12th century 1. any of a genus (Rumex) of coarse weedy plants of the buckwheat family having long taproots and sometimes used as potherbs 2.… … New Collegiate Dictionary
green — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English grene, from Old English grēne; akin to Old English grōwan to grow Date: before 12th century 1. of the color green 2. a. covered by green growth or foliage < green fields > b. of winter mild … New Collegiate Dictionary
Cabbage — This article is about the vegetable. For other uses, see Cabbage (disambiguation). Cabbage Cabbage and its cross section Details … Wikipedia
Kimchi — Infobox Korean name hangul=김치 hanja=linktext|沈|菜 (archaic; see article) rr=gimchi mr=kimch iKimchi, also spelled gimchi or kimchee, is a traditional Korean fermented dish made of vegetables with varied seasonings, most commonly referring to the… … Wikipedia
Serjeanty — Tenure by serjeanty was a form of land holding in Medieval England (and is also used of similar forms in Continental Europe) under the feudal system, intermediate between tenure by knight service and tenure in socage.Origins and developmentIt… … Wikipedia
Cornell Plantations — F. R. Newman Arboretum in the Plantations … Wikipedia