potential relay
Смотреть что такое "potential relay" в других словарях:
potential relay — Electrical switch which opens on high voltage and closes on low voltage … Dictionary of automotive terms
2008 Summer Olympics torch relay — 2008 Summer Olympics Bid process Venues Marketing Concerns and controversies Torch relay (route) Opening ceremony (flag bearers) Medal table (medalists) Closing ceremony Event calendar … Wikipedia
End-plate potential — Miniature end plate potentials and end plate spikes recorded from muscle fiber End plate potentials (EPPs) (sometimes called end plate spikes ) are the depolarizations of skeletal muscle fibers caused by neurotransmitters binding to the… … Wikipedia
Internet Relay Chat script — IRC scripts are a way of shortening commands and responding automatically to certain events while connected to an IRC Network. There are many different scripting languages for different types of Basis Aliases Most IRC scripts contain one or more… … Wikipedia
Carotid body — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = glomus caroticum GraySubject = 277 GrayPage = 1281 Caption = Section of part of human glomus caroticum. Highly magnified. Numerous bloodvessels are seen in section among the gland cells. Caption2 = Diagram… … Wikipedia
реле напряжения — — [В.А.Семенов. Англо русский словарь по релейной защите] Тематики релейная защита EN potential relayvoltage relayvoltage sensitive relayVR … Справочник технического переводчика
Usain Bolt — Bolt at Berlin World Championships 2009 Personal information … Wikipedia
Computers and Information Systems — ▪ 2009 Introduction Smartphone: The New Computer. The market for the smartphone in reality a handheld computer for Web browsing, e mail, music, and video that was integrated with a cellular telephone continued to grow in 2008. According to… … Universalium
nervous system, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction system that conducts stimuli from sensory receptors to the brain and spinal cord and that conducts impulses back to other parts of the body. As with other higher vertebrates, the human nervous system has two main… … Universalium
Media and Publishing — ▪ 2007 Introduction The Frankfurt Book Fair enjoyed a record number of exhibitors, and the distribution of free newspapers surged. TV broadcasters experimented with ways of engaging their audience via the Internet; mobile TV grew; magazine… … Universalium
space exploration — Investigation of the universe beyond Earth s atmosphere by means of manned and unmanned spacecraft. Study of the use of rockets for spaceflight began early in the 20th century. Germany s research on rocket propulsion in the 1930s led to… … Universalium