- poteen
- pɔˈti:n сущ. ирландское виски (производимое незаконно) ирландский самогон poteen ирландский самогон potheen: potheen = poteen
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Poteen — Po*teen , n. [, poitin a small pot.] especially, whisky illicitly distilled by the Irish peasantry. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Poteen — Po*teen , Potheen Po*theen , n. [Ir. poitin a small pot, whisky made in private stills; cf. pota pot, fr. E. pot.] Whisky; especially whisky distilled in a small way privately or illicitly by the Irish peasantry. [Written also {potteen}.]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
poteen — illicit whiskey, 1812, from Ir. poitin little pot, suggesting distillation in small quantities, from Eng. POT (Cf. pot) (1) vessel + dim. suffix in, een … Etymology dictionary
poteen — ► NOUN chiefly Irish ▪ illicitly made whisky. ORIGIN from Irish fuisce poitín little pot of whisky … English terms dictionary
poteen — [pō tēn′] n. [Ir poitin, dim. of poite, pot] in Ireland, illicitly distilled whiskey … English World dictionary
Poteen — Poitín, poteen, ou potcheen, est une boisson traditionnelle irlandaise, fortement alcoolisée (degré d alcool : 90% 95%), obtenue par distillation[1]. Le poitín était distillé traditionnellement dans un petit alambic, appelé pot still, car on … Wikipédia en Français
Poteen — Potcheen (auch Poitín oder Poteen, [ˈpˠocʲiːn], deutsch Mondschein) ist ein in Irland verbreiteter Schnaps aus Gerste. Der Name leitet sich ab von pot (Topf) und weist darauf hin, dass er traditionell (illegal) in kleinen Töpfen destilliert wird … Deutsch Wikipedia
poteen — noun /pəˈtʃiːn,pəˈtiːn/ Illegally produced Irish whiskey; moonshine. The Irish peasantry practice the distillation of that illicit spirituous liquor, so well known by the name of poteen whiskey, with a most unaccountable infatuation … Wiktionary
poteen — also potheen noun Etymology: Irish poitín, literally, small pot, diminutive of pota pot Date: 1812 whiskey illicitly distilled in Ireland … New Collegiate Dictionary
poteen — /peuh teen , cheen , theen , poh /, n. 1. the first distillation of a fermented mash in the making of whiskey. 2. illicitly distilled whiskey. Also, potheen. [1805 15; < Ir poitín lit., small pot, dim. of pota POT1] * * * … Universalium
poteen — I Everyday English Slang in Ireland n illegal spirits II Irish Slang illegal Irish spirit/drink … English dialects glossary