Смотреть что такое "pot-lid" в других словарях:
pot-lid — potˈ lid noun 1. The cover of a pot 2. (Scot patˈ lid) a curling stone played exactly on the tee • • • Main Entry: ↑pot … Useful english dictionary
lid — [lıd] n ↑lid ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(cover)¦ 2¦(eye)¦ 3 keep a/the lid on something 4 put a/the lid on something 5 take the lid off something ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [: Old English; Origin: hlid] 1.) ¦(COVER)¦ a cover for the open part of a pot, box, or other container … Dictionary of contemporary English
lid — /lid/, n., v., lidded, lidding. n. 1. a removable or hinged cover for closing the opening, usually at the top, of a pot, jar, trunk, etc.; a movable cover. 2. an eyelid. 3. a restraint, ceiling, or curb, as on prices or news. 4. Slang. a hat, cap … Universalium
lid — [lid] n. [ME < OE hlid (akin to Ger lid in augenlid, eyelid) < base seen in OE hlidan, to cover < IE base * k̑lei , to LEAN1] 1. a movable cover, hinged or unattached, as for a box, trunk, pot, etc.; top 2. short for EYELID ☆ 3. Informal … English World dictionary
lid — 01. I can t get the [lid] off the peanut butter jar; someone put it on too tight. 02. He rubbed the [lids] of his tired eyes. 03. She slowly lifted the [lid] from the box and looked inside. 04. You can remove a tight jar [lid] if you put an… … Grammatical examples in English
lid — ae·o·lid; ae·o·lid·i·dae; am·a·ryl·lid; an·op·lo·ceph·a·lid; at·ta·lid; beth·y·lid; brachy·ceph·a·lid; cal·lid·i·ty; car·y·o·phyl·lid; chi·lid·i·al; chi·lid·i·um; cic·a·del·lid; cir·rat·u·lid; co·mat·u·lid; cov·er·lid; cy·clo·phyl·lid·ea;… … English syllables
lid — noun 1 COVER (C) a cover for the open part of a pot, box, or other container: Can you get the lid off this jar for me? | a dustbin lid 2 keep the lid on to control a situation so that it does not become worse: keeping the lid on inflation | She… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
pot — an·thro·pot·o·mist; an·thro·pot·o·my; bough·pot; cache·pot; chasse·pot; choi·ro·pot·a·mus; col·pot·o·my; crack·pot; des·pot; des·pot·ic; des·pot·i·cal·ly; des·pot·ist; fuss·pot; gal·i·pot; gal·li·pot; hip·po·pot·a·mus; hip·pot·o·my;… … English syllables
pot — pot1 potlike, adj. /pot/, n., v., potted, potting. n. 1. a container of earthenware, metal, etc., usually round and deep and having a handle or handles and often a lid, used for cooking, serving, and other purposes. 2. such a container with its… … Universalium
pot — I [[t]pɒt[/t]] n. v. pot•ted, pot•ting 1) a container of earthenware, metal, etc., usu. round and deep and having a handle or handles and often a lid, used for cooking, serving, and other purposes 2) such a container with its contents: a pot of… … From formal English to slang
Pot Mash — In the UK, Pot Mash was a brand of mash potato snack, sold by the makers of Pot Noodle. It is a dehydrated instant mash potato with seasoning and accompanied by a sachet of sauce that can be added to taste. Different sauce sachets are included… … Wikipedia