Смотреть что такое "pot-earth" в других словарях:
pot earth — noun : potter s clay … Useful english dictionary
pot-earth — … Useful english dictionary
earth|en|ware — «UR thuhn WAIR», noun, adjective. –n. 1. dishes or containers made of baked clay; crockery. Coarse pottery is earthenware. It is fired to a lower temperature than stoneware or porcelain. »Earthenware is made from purer, whiter clay than that used … Useful english dictionary
Pot catalytique — Ne doit pas être confondu avec Pot d échappement. Le pot catalytique ou catalyseur est une amélioration récente du pot d échappement des moteurs à combustion interne. C est un des éléments visant à limiter la nocivité des gaz d échappement… … Wikipédia en Français
earth — noun 1 the world ADJECTIVE ▪ the entire, the whole VERB + EARTH ▪ circle, orbit ▪ satellites orbiting the earth ▪ … Collocations dictionary
Earth oven — A Samoan mumu at the early stage of heating the rocks An earth oven or cooking pit is one of the most simple and long used cooking structures (not to be confused with the masonry oven). At its simplest, an earth oven is simply a pit in the ground … Wikipedia
earth — 1. World. Ao, honua, āina, pa a i lalo. ♦ Foundation of the earth, papa honua. ♦ Globe of the earth, kāhonua. ♦ Origin of the earth, kumu honua. 2. Dirt. Lepo; alaea (soluble); lepo pa a, kahua pa a (solid); lepo ula ula, mā ula ula… … English-Hawaiian dictionary
The Golden Pot — The Golden Pot: A Modern Fairytale (Der goldne Topf. Ein Märchen aus der neuen Zeit) is a novella by E. T. A. Hoffmann, first published in 1814. Hoffmann regarded it as his best story (Kaiser 1988, 37), and there is wide agreement among literary… … Wikipedia
Dorchester Pot — Scientific American article[1] about Dorchester pot. Note the tongue in cheek reference to Tubal Cain (תובל קין), who was said to be the first blacksmith (Genesis 4:19 24) The Dorchester Pot was a metal vase that was recovered in two pieces after … Wikipedia
Orc (Middle-earth) — Orcs Goblins, Yrch, Rakhâs, Gorgûn Founded First Age Founder Morgoth Capital Mount Gundabad, Barad dûr, Orthanc Home world Middle earth Base of operations … Wikipedia
Miss Earth 2003 — Date November 9, 2003 Presenters Ariel Ureta Venue UP Theater, Quezon City, Philippines Broadcaster ABS CBN, The Filipino Channel, Star World … Wikipedia