pot shot

pot shot
неприцельный выстрел;
выстрел в упор выстрел (в дичь) без соблюдения правил охоты;
отстрел для пропитания выстрел с близкого расстояния или из засады случайный, бесцельный выстрел;
выстрел наугад (критический) выпад - to take a * /*s/ at smth. покритиковать что-л. - to take a * /*s/ at smb. задеть кого-л., проехаться на чей-л. счет

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pot shot" в других словарях:

  • pot shot — noun 1. A shot within easy range 2. A casual or random shot 3. A shot taken at a bird or animal with a view to one s next meal 4. A critical remark aimed at an easy or undeserving target • • • Main Entry: ↑pot * * * pot shot UK US noun [countab …   Useful english dictionary

  • pot shot — n [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: pot + shot; from the idea of shooting something to cook it and eat it] take a pot shot at sb/sth a) to shoot at someone or something without aiming very carefully ▪ The boy took a pot shot at a pigeon with his air gun …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • pot|shot — «POT SHOT», noun, verb, shot|ted, shot|ting. –n. 1. a shot fired at game to get food, with little regard to skill or the rules of sport. 2. a quick shot at or attack against something from close range or from ambush and without careful aim:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pot shot — Lit., a shot fired simply to fill the pot; hence, a shot fired at an animal or person when at rest or within easy range, or fired simply to kill, without reference to the rules of sport; a shot needling no special skill. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pot shot — pot shots also pot shot 1) N COUNT To take a pot shot at someone or something means to shoot at them without taking the time to aim carefully. [INFORMAL] 2) N COUNT A pot shot is a criticism of someone which may be unexpected and unfair.… …   English dictionary

  • pot shot — pot ,shot noun count INFORMAL a criticism that is very unfair or that is made only to make someone look bad take a pot shot at 1. ) to try to shoot a thing or person in a way that is not skillful 2. ) to criticize someone or something in an… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • pot shot — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms pot shot : singular pot shot plural pot shots informal a criticism that is rather unfair or that is made only to make someone look bad • take a pot shot at …   English dictionary

  • pot shot — /ˈpɒt ʃɒt / (say pot shot) noun 1. a shot fired at game merely for food, with little regard to skill or the rules of sport. 2. a shot at an animal or person within easy range, as from ambush. 3. a random or aimless shot …  

  • pot shot — netaiklus šūvis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Šūvis, iššautas nenutaikius pabūklą (minosvaidį, šaulio ginklą ir pan.) į taikinį arba neatkūrus nutaikymo po šūvio. atitikmenys: angl. pot shot; random shot rus. неприцельный выстрел …   Artilerijos terminų žodynas

  • pot-shot — see pot shot …   English dictionary

  • pot shot — noun take a pot shot at to shoot at someone or something without aiming very carefully …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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