Смотреть что такое "postorbital" в других словарях:
Postorbital — Post*or bit*al, a. [Pref. post + orbital.] (Anat. & Zo[ o]l.) Situated behind the orbit; as, the postorbital scales of some fishes and reptiles. n. A postorbital bone or scale. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
postorbital — [pōst΄ôr′bit əl] adj. Anat. Zool. situated behind the orbit, or eye socket n. a postorbital bone or scale, as in certain reptiles … English World dictionary
Postorbital — The postorbital is one of the bones in vertebrate skulls which forms a portion of the dermal skull roof and, sometimes, a ring about the orbit. Generally, it is located behind the postfrontal and posteriorly to the orbital fenestra. In some… … Wikipedia
postorbital — I. (ˈ) ̷ ̷+ adjective Etymology: post + orbital : situated behind the orbit the postorbital scales of some fishes and reptiles a. : being a downwardly directed process of the frontal bone of many mammals and birds that forms part of the outer or… … Useful english dictionary
Postorbital Bar — The postorbital bar is a bone which, with the exception of Tarsiers runs around the eyesocket of most Prosimians. This is in contrast to the higher primates, Anthropoids, who have evolved fully enclosed sockets to protect their eyes.One theory… … Wikipedia
Postorbital bar — The postorbital bar is a bone which runs around the eyesocket of strepsirrhine primates. This is in contrast to the higher primates, haplorrhine, which have evolved fully enclosed sockets to protect their eyes.cite book | author = Campbell,… … Wikipedia
Postorbital process — The Postorbital Process marks the rear, upper edge of the eye socket and is a projection from the frontal AlsoOrbital process … Wikipedia
postorbital — adjective Date: circa 1836 situated behind the eye socket … New Collegiate Dictionary
postorbital — behind the orbit or eye; a bone in the series behind the eye, part of the infraorbital series. They are SO3, SO4, SO5 and SO6 or IO3.....IO6. IO6 is also called the dermosphenotic, q.v … Dictionary of ichthyology
postorbital — /pohst awr bi tl/, adj. Anat., Zool. located behind the orbit or socket of the eye. [1825 35; POST + ORBITAL] * * * … Universalium
postorbital — adjective Behind the orbit of the eye … Wiktionary