Postoffice order — Post Post, n. [F. poste, LL. posta station, post (where horses were kept), properly, a fixed or set place, fem. fr. L. positus placed, p. p. of ponere. See {Position}, and cf. {Post} a pillar.] 1. The place at which anything is stopped, placed,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
postoffice — post office n. Abbr. PO 1. The public department responsible for the transportation and delivery of the mails. Also called postal service. 2. A local office where mail is received, sorted, and delivered, and where stamps and other postal… … Universalium
postoffice — n. office that offers mail services (i.e. sending and receiving letters, purchasing postage stamps, etc.) adj. pertaining to a post office, pertaining to an office that offers mail services … English contemporary dictionary
postoffice box — post office box n. A container, such as a pigeonhole, at a central mailing location, in which a patron s incoming mail is held until picked up by the patron. * * * … Universalium
branch postoffice — A place established, usually in a store or other place of business, for the transaction of postal business or a part of the functions of a postoffice. The term includes every place within such a branch office where letters are kept in the regular … Ballentine's law dictionary
sub-postoffice — sub postˈoffice n(3) • • • Main Entry: ↑sub … Useful english dictionary
Pochtamtsky Bridge — Postoffice Bridge ( ru. Почтамтский мост, Pochtamtskiy most ) is a pedestrian bridge across Moika River in Saint Petersburg, Russia. It is located near the central Postoffice building, from which it takes the name.The bridge was built in 1823… … Wikipedia
Microsoft Mail — (or MSMail) was the name given to several early Microsoft e mail products. Mac Networks The first Microsoft Mail product was introduced in 1988 for AppleTalk Networks. It was based on InterMail, a product that Microsoft purchased and updated. An… … Wikipedia
National Register of Historic Places listings in Galveston County, Texas — List of Registered Historic Places in Galveston County, Texas Map of all coordinates from Google Map of all coordinates from Bing … Wikipedia
Milter — Type MTA extension Website Milter (portmanteau for mail filter) is an extension to the widely used open source mail transfer agents (MTA) Sendmail and Postfix. It allows administrators to add mail filters for filtering spam … Wikipedia
Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Galveston County — Die Liste der Registered Historic Places im Galveston County führt alle Bauwerke und historischen Stätten im texanischen Galveston County auf, die in das National Register of Historic Places aufgenommen wurden. Aktuelle Einträge Lfd. Nr. Name im… … Deutsch Wikipedia